S.W - The Change Of Clothes/Smut.

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• Could you please make one about sammy and y/n but they can't get together because he's got a girl and she's Nate's little sister but they get together for one night any way. Thank you love ur posts btw much love

-- (Sam's POV) --

I can't stop staring at her. I have a perfectly fine ass in front of me but I'd prefer the one across the room, the one which belongs to my best friend's little sister.

No she's not a kid, she's legal actually.

"Sammy lets go have our own fun, I'll show you a little something or two." R/G/N smirks, tugging on the collars of my flannel.

"No, I'm tired." I decline her offer and push myself off the wall, heading to the kitchen to get another drink.

"Yo bro have you seen Y/N?" Skate walks in, a brunette on his arm.

Y/N, even the mention of her name drives me insane.

"Uh yeah she's in the living room by the stairs the last time I saw her." And no I haven't been staring at your sister all night.

"Thanks man, you comin' to play beer pong?" He asks, smirking and snickering as his girl for the night kisses his neck.

"Nah, I'll pass, I'm thinking of calling it a night." I fake a yawn, patting his shoulder on my way past him.

"You're not going anywhere, go take the spare bedroom, you're not leaving this house." He scoffs, making me turn on my heels.

"I think I'll pass on hearing you fuck through the night." I nod my head to the girl on her arm, making her giggle and blush.

"Nah man you're not leaving this house, you've had a few drinks." He's serious so I give in with a sigh and wish him and his girl a good night.

"Baby where you going?" R/G/N slurs, leaning on the wall.

"To sleep, you are too." I say, grabbing her hand to take her with me. Knowing her, she'll try to get home on her own, drunk out of her mind and end up lost or in a ditch somewhere on the other side of town.

We push the spare bedroom door open and close it behind us, the music isn't as loud up here, just a small background noise. "Come on baby, undress me." R/G/N smirks, I roll my eyes.

"I'm not in the mood, besides, you're drunk out of your mind right now and that would be wrong," I sigh, tucking her into bed. She complains about being uncomfortable in her dress. "I'll go get you a change of clothes, stay here." I say before leaving the room.

Y/N and R/G/N are friends, they borrow each other's clothes all the time.

I walk into Y/N's room expecting it to be empty and stop when I see Y/N sitting on the edge of her bed; crying.

A sudden rush of anger takes control as I walk over to her, wanting to kill who ever made her cry. "Y/N? Y/N, babe, what's wrong?" I ask, kneeling down in front of her.

She sniffles, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand; smudging her mascara even more. "H-He called me a sl-slut, I tried t-to calm hi-him down b-but he never listened." She sobs, immediately I take her into my arms and hug her tightly, burning with anger.

"Who? Who called you that?" I question.

"R/B/N," She answers quietly, I'd seen him around throughout the night. I stand up but he latches onto my arm. "Sam don't, he's gone and I don't know where he lives, you can't tell Nate, please promise me." She cries, pulling me back into a hug.

I sigh, not wanting to leave her anyway but I will make sure that asshole gets what he deserves at some point. I tell her to go shower and change into comfy clothes whilst I wait on her bed, ready to lay with her until I know she's asleep and okay.

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