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HAPPIEST TIME of year, Christmas; or so it's meant to be. In the midst of the party held at Grimmauld Place, Carina was stuck to the corner feeling like a stranger in a home she basically grew up in. Perseus was by her side — she was falling apart, and someone had to keep the girl together. Perseus didn't like these events anyways, he always found it obnoxious even when he was a kid. Carina felt safe with her back to a corner, there was no surprises, she could see anyone coming at her.

Regulus spotted his cousins hiding in the corner, he excused himself from the current conversation he was engaged in. "Why are you both hiding out here? Come join the party." Regulus invited trying to get his cousins to get out of the corner.

Resisting his pull Carina removed her arm from his grip, "Reg, you don't have to mind us — you go, I can't. And if my mother asks where we are just say you simply don't know." she pointedly instructed the younger boy who just nodded in response.

There was a clink of glass, everyone turned their attention to the source, "Thank you all for joining us today — we have an important announcement. My daughter, Narcissa will be wed this summer — to Lucius Malfoy!" Druella Black announced to the guests and everyone cheered and went up to congratulate the happy couple.

Carina's face contorted into one of disgust, "Poor Cissy — she's going to have to put up with that loathsome creature for the rest of her life!" she pitied her cousin, Lucius Malfoy was notorious for simply existing.

Suddenly Kretcher apparated in front of the three teenagers. "Mistress called?"

"Oh no, Kretcher it's alright we don't need anything." Regulus cleared watching Kretcher disparate.

"Ever thought of leaving?" Carina enquired, raising an eyebrow at Regulus.

"Leaving?" his brows knitted. "Why would I leave?" his tone colder than usual.

"Don't pretend as if you care to socialize with stuck up purebloods." she snorted teasing her cousin.

"I socialize with you." he countered causing the girl to straighten herself and sent a deadly look to the boy.

"Don't be a prick, Regulus." she bit causing both Regulus and Perseus to snicker. Carina turned her attention to the crowd swarming Narcissa and Lucius, watching them basically claw at the chance to speak to the couple. "Is this how it'll be?" she suddenly enquired.

"Will what be?" Regulus questioned, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

"My betrothal." she quickly answered. "Just a show, yet another loveless marriage made to keep up appearances." she wryly chuckled, Perseus and Regulus shared a look of concern. "Sacrificing your own happiness to stay on your parents' good side, everything about this family." she gestured to the home, turning her attention to the two teenagers next to her.

Regulus shushed her, "Don't say that." he scolded. "We are destined for great things, Rina. Don't let yourself think otherwise." he drilled through gritted teeth.

"Destined for great things." Carina slowly repeated, Perseus stood by silently watching the interaction. "Go, mingle. Don't mind us. . . we will join you momentarily." she softly pushed Regulus towards the party that was moving to the parlor. Reluctantly Regulus left the twins to themselves, standing in their safe spot.

"Do you believe a word he just said?" Perseus cautiously asked, trying to read Carina's expression.

Carina remained stoic, her expressionless face never wavering once. "That doesn't matter, it's just how it is. What I think doesn't matter, Percy. . . we both know that." she stated in a low voice.

"Of course, what you think matters! It's your life. . . do not let them bully you into thinking that." he loudly exclaimed, quickly lowering his voice before they caught the attention of others.

Carina furrowed her eyebrows, "Would you rather be dead?" she deadpanned. "If this is what I have to do, to protect myself. . . then this is what I have to do." she paused. "To protect you." she quietly whispered.

"You don't have to protect me; I can very well protect myself." he snorted.

"I'm the older twin, of course I have to protect us." Carina retorted, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Ten minutes! What's ten minutes?" Perseus jokingly exclaimed.

Carina softly landed a punch on his shoulder, "Ten minutes wiser, and technically you're my little brother because of those ten minutes." she ruffled his hair, earning a scowl from him as he fixed his hair again. Carina and Perseus ended up having to join the party, Arabella taking every chance she could to try and introduce Carina as if she were a prized mule in need of a new family to be sold to. Soon enough dinner was served, the twins ate in silence as the adults talked; discussing about things neither frankly cared for. This was how Christmas Eve went for the Black family, at the end of the day they went home and kept to themselves usually.

 This was how Christmas Eve went for the Black family, at the end of the day they went home and kept to themselves usually

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AUTHORS NOTE. There's been a lot of fillers but it's just moving the story along, giving some more backstory and such. But I promise there is a plan!

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