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  "JAMES, A WORD, PLEASE." Carina pulled James away from his friends. She didn't know how to approach a situation like this. Never had she ever believed that she would find love, especially not like this. Could this even be called love? James Potter was known for his infatuation with Lily Evans and Carina the ever cold-hearted snake. The oddest combination, the oddest couple. Could they have a happy ending? It was all written in the stars.

"So we're speaking again?" He raised his eyebrows as they ended up on the astronomy tower. It was a long silence. The walk to the tower had been the most awkward moment in Carina's life. James on the other hand, had found himself in more awkward situations in his short few years of life.

"James," she sighed, "I'm sorry."

It took weeks for Carina to find it in herself to apologize. Spending those weeks articulating ways to say it. Practicing in the mirror, with Perseus. It was hard for her.

He feigned shock, "I must have heard you wrong, Carina Black apologized — to me? James Potter? Have we entered an parallel universe?"

She warned, "Don't push your luck, Potter." Letting out another sigh, she walked over to the railings overlooking most of the castle. "I believe we went about this the wrong way — I believe I went about this the wrong way."

"And what is this?"

"I don't know. . . but — I want to find out. This has been the best thing to happen to me since I was eleven. I don't want to lose this, James." She softly confessed, lowering her head and staring down to the ground below the tower — unable to meet his eyes.

"So what is the right way to go about this then. Please, do enlighten me."

Carina perked, suggesting an idea she had just thought up, "How about when we return? We can decide then. What we are exactly." She spent her days practicing an apology, never did it cross her mind that he would forgive her.

James quirked an eyebrow, somewhat intrigued, "Two months?"

"Two months." She turned her back to the rails, nodding along in agreement.

"Then I guess we will have to see, won't we."

"We will. See you then, Potter."

"See you then, Black." He walked away and Carina walked his back disappear from her view, a smile lingered on her lips at the thought of it. Seemingly Seventh Year held so much potential for her than any other year and for that happy ending she so hoped for. That was when she decided that she would make the most of her life and enjoy it to the max. Despite all the trials and tribulations, she found herself hopeful — for a better future. Carina practically floated back to her dorms and unto her bed, ready for the morning ahead of her. Exams were done, tomorrow would be the day they left the castle. The end-of-the-term feast concluding their last meal in the castle before the new term, returning at Seventh Years and then unto bigger and better things.

"Good morning, Cousin. You seem chipper this morning." Regulus greeted as he saw her practically bounce out her dorm.

"A fine morning."

"Carina. We must talk." His voice dropped, enveloping the atmosphere heavily. Carina tensed at the serious tone, "I received an owl from mother this morning. . . Uncle Alphard is dead."

Carina stumbled, "How? What happened?" She asked barely above a whisper.

"They don't know. They won't say what happened except that he was disowned before his death. Making him—"

"A blood traitor."

He smacked his lips, "Precisely. He will be burned off the wall." He pointed at her, "That aside, the wedding will be soon and Aunt Druella has owled — multiple times, might I add — informing me that you my dear cousin have been ignoring her. She wants you to know that Narcissa has requested you to stand next to her at the wedding with Bellatrix."

"Great." She sarcastically remarked, wanting to leave the conversation as quickly as possible. She tracked back, something on her mind, "How could you. Uncle Alphard was so good to us. He treated us better than our parents had and you go around treating him as if he's disposable. He's family."

"He's a blood traitor. In the eyes of our house, a traitor does not deserve belong to our house."

"Our house is horrid."

"Carina!" Regulus sternly shouted. "Keep your mouth shut." He harshly scolded the girl. Carina was surprised by his tone and words, he had completely turned into a different person. "If someone else hears you — we both know what Uncle Corvus would do." He let out dangerously low. "Don't you ever talk like that about your house." He warned.

"Regulus, don't pretend as if that house isn't wretched. You revel in the power of the name but you forget what that power is built on." Carina seethed walking away from the boy. She found Perseus at the entrance of the castle, "Percy!" She called out drawing the attention of her brother and other students. "You ready to head home?" She asked reaching the Hufflepuff.

"Are we ever?" He asked greeting the girl, Carina shook her head, "Yet like every year we still have to go back." He sighed, Hogwarts had been their only escape and it was coming to an end. They didn't know what lied after graduation but as long as they had each other.

"Two months, we need to survive two months with our parents and we can get back and enjoy our last year here." She enthusiastically let out shocking Perseus, he had always been the positive one of the two and Carina being this excited for something was new to even him.

"Maybe that Potter boy is doing you some good." Perseus jokingly whispered, Carina quickly shushed the boy. The twins headed to the carriages bringing them to Hogsmeade Station. Dreading the destination, they rather enjoyed the trip back.

 Dreading the destination, they rather enjoyed the trip back

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AUTHORS NOTE. Hello! I'm alive, I've been busy with work and stuff but now I'm starting up my summer courses so updates will be hard to come by but I will try my absolute best to update.

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