Forget Me Nots

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The cafeteria was packed by the time Amy and Jessy even reached the front doors.

There were students flipping their burger's lettuces in the air (why they did so, no one ever knew), others were shaking cans of carbonated drinks (also known as sodas! o.O) in the hopes of pranking a poor innocent soul into opening it and some, well, they were busy having animated conversations with their friends.

"I never knew we had this much students in this school. The cafeteria looks like a colony of ants!" Jessy was slowly working through the crowd, Amy in arm. Sooner than later, a squeaky, shrieky voice was heard a few paces ahead of them.

It was Alice.

Jessy trailed his way out the crowd; Amy on the other hand, was busy dodging assorted flying vegetables in all shapes, sizes, and color. It was like crossing a battlefield!

Second more later, they were able to thread there way out of the chaos and arrived "unharmed and unscathed" to where Alice was sitting. Somehow, she had managed to get a table for the three of them without seeming to have had any trouble with wild airborne food.

"You're alive!" Alice said in a lame Romanian accent; she did that sometimes, even after Amy told her how annoying it sounded. 

But even if that girl had completely no sense of humor (nah,she had a sense of humor; she just has another version of it), she was smart as an owl in a library eating a bookworm. I know, it makes absolutely no sense, but why bother?

She was first in everything since she was in grade school (which was pretty much the definition of awesomely impressive), was their current school's president, and not only did she have the brains, but she had the beauty as well. She was pretty alright, and quite the heart breaker. You couldn't believe how many guys fell for her waist-long, raven mane and the number of them that were hypnotized by her enchanting grey eyes that turned stormy at times, but made her look all the more beautiful...and powerful. But of course, as always, she'd have to end one relationship after the other, saying she needed time and concentration to finish her studies.


"It takes more than a couple of winged meat to take the two of us down!" said Jessy, leading Amy to her seat. Now Jessy; Jessy as more of the "goof" in the group. Don't get me wrong, he was smart, he just couldn't tap into that hidden skill all the time.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Alice waved him off as he was still about to say something. His face shrivelled up."What took you guys so long anyways?"

Then Alice's eyes drifted to where Amy's hand was; on Jessy's arms of course.

"Oh," she said, "I see. You guys are...-"

Amy's brows shot up. "No! No...I mean, he's cool and all, but.." she paused, as if thinking of whatever else to say, then continued with another, ""

Jessy, appearing to have caught up with the conversation, joined in, but with less excitement than Amy. "...yeah, well, of course I'm good looking and probably half of the student body wants a piece of me, but certainly not Amy here, I mean she's practically a sister to me..." But his thoughts weren't the same as what he said. 

He has always been head-over-heels for Amy, ever since that day he learned he could actually feel that way for girl. You know, THAT way. Yet, he never knew how to make a move. So by the time she and Danny got together, his heart was already swolen and sore. 

Alice was quite amused by the wasy the two of them reacted differently, smiling at them both and thinking that their worries and trouble at explaining were all foolish.

"Yeah, shut up," she said abruptly, startling Amy aned Jessy, who's mouths were both left agape. "I don't really care what you kids are up to, just remember, safety fir-..."

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