Chapter 8

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"Baby doll! I'm home!" Liam yelled walking and and shivered. The man hung his coat before jumping feeling something fuzzy against his ankle. He was about to hit whoever did it thinking someone was playing a prank but his eyes softened seeing Niall there in his Halloween costume. "Hi daddy." Niall giggled playing with the tail he had previously been touching Liam's leg with.

Niall had insisted on being a kitten despite Liam's suggestions to wear couples costumes. "Oh kitten." Liam said grinning and picked up the small cat boy. Niall wrapped his legs around Liam's waist and re adjusted the kitten ears that where sitting in his temporarily dyed lilac hair. (Niall's outfit is in the media if you want a better idea of what he looks like.) the smaller boy kissed Liam's cheek and wiggled from his arms. "Li, come on and get ready, your friends party is in an hour and we need to be the hottest couple there." He giggled.

Liam chuckled and nodded holding Niall's hand as they walked to the third floor to their bedroom. "Be careful baby, your ass looks so big you might knock someone out." He joked. The purple hair boy giggled a bit and sat down in front of the mirror taking a bunch of selfies.

Niall was very much into pop culture, he had a huge twitter account and always bought high end things and even had one of those color coordinated instagrams. Sometimes Liam was a bit worried Niall was putting too much on the internet at times but he had to remind himself he was Niall's partner not his parent. He was just trying to look out for his baby boy but he didn't want to suffocate Niall. You see Liam had this idea in his head that he was depriving Niall of his youth. Niall would never get to go to prom with his boyfriend or get to sneak out on a school night to meet Liam in his truck. That's how this hole daddy thing came to be really. Apart from Liam actually being his sugar daddy it was kind of a way from Niall to escape from his adult life. It wasn't just a sexual thing often Liam would color with Niall and feed him and things of that nature. To both boys it was very much like a ddlg (Dom daddy/ little girl) relationship when Niall was in his little space.

"Sugar plum you're so adorable." Liam said grinning and took his clothes off sitting next to Niall in his black briefs and pulled Niall in his lap. Niall giggled and kissed Liam's cheek "Thank you Li Li." He said grinning. Liam nuzzled his face in Niall's neck sucking a mark there as Niall took pictures that would be on Instagram in a few minutes after Niall edited them. "Princess can you help me pick out a costume?" Liam asked sweetly kissing his cheek lovingly. Niall nodded and stood up his tail swaying as he walked.

They were in their way to the party now an it wasn't a business party it was just a party at Liam's good friend Andy's mansion. "Niall, remember the rules right? Don't drink anything you didn't open, do not go outside without me. If anyone touches you in a way you don't like you come and get me and I will fuck them up ok?" The older man said calmly even though the thought made his blood boil. He knew he was too over protective but if something happened to Niall he would never forgive himself.

They walked in Niall tucked under Liam's arm as usual and walked to the kitchen in search of the owner of the house. "Andy!" Liam called high fiving his friend. "Hey man, I'm glad you made it. I thought Niall wanted to go trick or treating." He said chuckling a bit. "I did but Liam promised me he'd but me candy." He giggled. Andy leaned down and hugged Niall "You're too adorable," he said as they pulled apart.

Niall was like a little brother to Liam's friends and Liam was really glad all the people he loved were close. Andy turned around and grabbed a beer and a wine cooler handing them to the two boys. "I've got tons of spare rooms have a good time!" Andy urged and turned around when someone called his name.

Liam opened both drinks with his hands witch Niall found quite amazing and handed Niall the fruiter drink knowing he wasn't a fan of the strong taste of beer. Which was weird because he's Irish but understandable since he was quite feminine and he thought beer was more a men's drink. Usually when Liam's friends came over to have a beer and watch a game Niall would read stories on his kindle or just curl up under Liam's arm playing a game on the I pad. Both boys began sipping on their drinks as they made their way though the house hand in hand greeting multiple people. Or in Liam's case glaring at every person who looked at his boyfriend.

"Niall!" Louis called from where he was standing with Harry looking like they were having a deep conversation. "Li, I'm gonna go hang out with Lou I'll see you in a bit yeah?" Niall said kissing his cheek and Liam just nodded walking off to find Zayn. "Lou!" Niall giggled as he made his way over hugging him. "Hey Harry." He smiled causing the tall boy to smile back. "Ni come dance with me." Louis pleated tugging Niall's arm making the smaller boy giggle and follow him to the dance floor.

"I... I don't know Zayn I can't just tell Niall I want a baby. He's still in high school and he's so smart I can't let him ruin his life." Liam sighed running his hands trough his hair. When Niall was 12 he went on medication to treat his acne. However the pill was never tested on men so it imbalanced his hormones causing him to produce eggs. They tried to sue but it happened to too many people and the hospital couldn't do anything. And because he had taken them at the time of puberty he was much more womanly.

"Maybe you two should talk about it." Zayn suggested "Not about having one now maybe you guy should start planning for the future. I mean does Niall wanna o to college? When do you plan on selling your company? These are all important Li." Liam nodded in agreement. "Yeah thanks man." He said smiling at his friend. "No problem mate now why don't you go find that boyfriend of yours with that outfit I'm surprised you let him out of your site."

Niall felt someone kissing his neck and almost screamed until he realized it was Liam grinding on him from behind. "Hey there kitten." Liam whispered in the smaller boys ear. "Why don't we go up to the guest room now hmm? That costume looks pretty uncomfortable." He said pulling back the elastic of the costume an let it go letting it snap on Niall's ass. "I'd love that daddy." Niall whispered and let Liam carry him up the stairs like no one was watching.

Liam pinned Niall against the door and began kissing him before he heard voices outside. "Li it's not time to get laid, you didn't even finish your beer." Zayn shouted. Niall and Liam laughed and opened the door letting Zayn Louis and Harry in. "Jesus you two are like... Something that's really horny all the time." Louis joked.

Niall opened his mouth to say something before he heard all the noise downstairs go silent and then a loud bang. A gunshot actually. All the boys froze hearing a set of feet slowly making their way up the stairs.

A.n. Hiii thank you all so much for almost 8k :) there will probably be a shorter update after this since this is so long but since it's short it'll be up soon. I love all your comments and I hope you're all having a good night and or day. If you ever wanna kik rp my user is nialllovesliam4ever and I have tons of prompts so come be the Liam to my Niall. That's all I love you guys :)

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