Chapter 5

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Once the party was over and it was only Niall Liam and his friend Zayn who was talking to Liam about politics, Niall began to clean up. Zayn used to date Louis who just so happed to go to school with Niall, but eventually they realized it just wasn't meant to be. Niall still stayed close with Louis and Liam with Zayn. Louis had a crush on Zayn's assistant Harry, but Niall was kind of sure Harry and Zayn were fucking. Some love triangle it was. Of coarse they're still close friends since both of them basically live at Liam's house.
Not like anyone would notice with all the room Liam had, I mean he had a gym downstairs and an art studio so Niall could paint. That was an outlet for Niall, when he felt stressed he just liked to listen to music and paint away. After Liam bid his friend a goodbye he walked over to his smiling boyfriend and picked up a streamer wrapping it around Niall's waist.
"How did you like it? I know you don't like surprises but I had to do something amazing." The older explained and picked up a glass of wine handing it to Niall. "Oh Liam it was wonderful." The blonde sighed happily and snuggled into Liam's side taking a sip of the obviously expensive wine.
"I really can't believe you pulled that off Li... 5 seconds of summer?! I don't even wanna know what you went trough to get that done for me. Thank you." Liam just chuckled shaking his head "I would go trough all the trouble in the world to see you smile baby." He reminded before continuing "I hope they follow you on twitter or I'll have to break their noses." The brunette joked. Niall giggled then just smiled up at Liam contently for a while
"Liam, thank you really. For all of this. I know money is no object for you but it was probably so expensive and you just really didn't have to do this. You could have gotten me a ice cream cake from carvel and watched iron man with me on the couch until we feel asleep. I don't love you for your money Liam, I love you. I know haven't felt love in such a long time but damn I don't remember it ever feeling this good. Love was just there before, I never realized it until it was gone but then you came. And it was so perfect Liam. There was someone to hold me every night and suddenly everything made sense again, and for once I felt like I was worth something. For a while I hated love, I couldn't stand to see anyone happy but now that I have you... I'm complete again. I have my reason to be happy like everyone else. A year ago I didn't think id make it to 18. I thought I'd kill myself, but now I'm here and nothing has ever been better."
Liam wasn't an emotional type. He really really wasn't an emotional type, when his mom passed away all Liam did at the funeral was stare, not one tear was shed. Yet there was obvious tear tracks on his chiseled cheeks "Oh baby." He whispered leaning down to kiss the blonde little head of his lover. "Come on let's get out of here. There's more presents at home." He tried to bribe with a slight laugh.
Niall nodded and walked toward the door, it had gotten a bit chilly since it was early September so Liam took his coat off and wrapped it around his little bundle of joy. Nothing ever felt so right as he lead Niall to the car and they took off. And nothing ever felt so wrong when he saw head lights coming toward them.

(A.n. I'm sorry.)

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