Chapter 5.5

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(A.n. I feel really bad about the last chapter and I can't just leave you hanging like that. So here's like a little filler. I love you.)
"Liam!" Niall screamed terrified.
"Niall it wasn't me it was that drunk asshole!" Liam said waving his hand in the air as they continued down the high way. Thankfully Niall had reached over and quickly steered them off the road into a ditch and they watched the car speed 90 miles per hour past where they just were.
"Liam we could have been killed if I hadn't grabbed the wheel." The older sighed, he knew he should be paying more attention to the road then to the radio. "I know Niall and I'm so sorry, I just... I'm sorry ok? Thank you baby, I don't know what I'd do without you. I know a sorry isn't enough when I nearly killed us but please don't be angry with me Niall."
The blonde leaned over and kissed Liam's cheek "Yeah I'm just over reacting, I'm sorry I guess I was just so scared I yelled at you. Were still alive though yeah? That's something to be thankful for." Niall tried to brighten up his boyfriends spirits.
The older nodded and cracked a small smile. "Yes, and it will be like that for a long time. Even if the sun doesn't rise one day my love for you will never die Niall." Liam promised his younger half as they drove down the dark highway alone. Just two boys in love in a Lamborghini.

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