Chapter 4

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"Happy birthday!" Everyone yelled in unison leaving Niall stunned with his hands over his mouth "Happy birthday baby." Liam whispered in his ear leading the blonde further into the room "Liam." Niall gasped quietly looking around in wonder at the twinkly lights that surrounded the big room filled with his loved ones. "I want to give you the world Niall, even though you deserve so much more." Liam said softly before nudging Niall toward Louis, his best friend "Have fun baby." He urged. Niall hugged his friend still in a bit of a daze, that is until Louis opened his mouth "Niall! You're a man how do you feel?" The blue eyed boy asked clapping his hand on the smaller boys shoulder. "Now let's dance!" He cheered. The music started up again and Niall danced moving from Louis to Sean then Sean to Harry. Of coarse Liam was enjoying himself also just watching Niall as he and his friend Andy sat drinking champagne. The older man made his way to the stage and turned the music off "Hello everyone!" He said happily into the microphone "I'm so glad you could all make it to Niall's special day, we all know this year has been hard for him. It means a lot to Niall and myself you all are here." The brunette said raising his glass before taking a sip "Now I bet you all got Niall amazing presents but I'm about to blow you all out of the water. Thank you." He laughed a bit and ran off the stage as the place went dark. Liam quickly made his way over to Niall who gave him a weary look witch Liam just grinned at. Niall opened his mouth but was cut off by the sound of a guitar being plugged in. Niall looked back at the stage that was lit up blue and purple quickly as he heard a familiar voice. "Where is the birthday boy!" Niall would know that voice in his sleep. It was Calum, from his favorite band, 5 seconds of summer. "Liam." Niall said with a shaking voice. Liam chuckled as the boys emerged into the stage each holding their perspective instrument. (Except Ashton for obvious reasons) The crowd erupted with cheers, apart from, Niall he almost fainted. "Before we get our rock on we need Niall up here!" Michael said slinging his guitar strap over his neck. Niall didn't have to be told twice, he ran up to the stage faster then he had ever moved in his life. The blonde was actually running so fast he fell on the steps and Luke had to help him up to which he just mumbled "are you Jesus?" Luke chuckled and lead Niall to a stool that was set up placing a tiara and a sash on him. After singing some sort of punk rock version of happy birthday Michael began to play the opening notes of Niall's favorite song; I can't remember. Niall mentally questioned how they knew but then he just looked into the crowd at Liam who was smirking. Niall didn't know what he did to get such a thoughtful boyfriend. Calum walked over handing Niall a microphone "Niall's boyfriend here Liam told us Niall is quite the singer." He said placing a hand on the smaller boys shoulder "So tonight Niall's gonna be part of the band,what do you say Niall?" The tanner boy asked, "I um." He stuttered in the mic with a smile before clearing his throat "I just hope so some is recording this for my funeral." He giggled. Michael came up behind him and wrapped an arm around Niall. "You see Niall, you can't die just yet because you..." The purple haired boy said pulling out two pieces of paper "Have two VIP front row tickets to our tour this summer!" Niall gasped and put his hands over his mouth feeling tears come to his eyes. "Oh no don't cry, you're gonna make me cry. Come on sing with us." He urged handing Niall the tickets. Niall shakily put the passes into his pocket and Michael began to play again. "Niall you start us off." Luke suggested. Niall took a deep breath and began to sing. "Pretty girl got your name got your number. I got the keys to my dads yellow hummer."

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