Chapter 11

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A.n. I know that don't celebrate thanksgiving in England but I thought it was cute so whatever. More smut next chapter ;)

Niall heard Liam's alarm go off and softly shook the older boys shoulder "Babes, it's time to go to work." He mumbled. Liam groaned and Niall didn't blame him, it was only 4:45 and they went to bed late last night because Niall was having a mental breakdown. School was getting stressful for the boy since it was just a few weeks before Christmas and he was getting slammed with tests.

After dinner the previous night Niall wasn't really himself so Liam let him be but when he heard the bathroom door open he knew exactly what Niall was looking for; a razor. Instead Liam brought him to the attic where he had a small art studio for Niall knowing the boy loved to paint and create things hen he was stressed. After a while Niall got frustrated and just began hysterical crying for hours until he fell asleep.

Liam opened his eyes and smiled down at Niall tiredly "Good morning gorgeous." He said groggily before leaning down to peck Niall. "Morning my handsome man." Niall whispered back. The older man carded his fingers trough Niall's hair "Li why can't you stay home today? It's thanks giving." Niall asked frowning.

Liam sighed not wanting to leave his boyfriend alone, during the week they only got a few hours each night for Niall and Liam time but now Niall had a day of school and Liam wanted to be with his baby. "Darling you know I can't, tomorrow is the biggest sales day if the year. I've got a lot to do today then tomorrow I'll make tons of money and I'll take off." He offered.

Niall nodded and rubbed Liam's bulging bicep that was covered in tattoos. They always say people with tattoos never get jobs but Liam was one of the most successful people on earth and he was inked. "And I'll take you to that restaurant you love so much with all that tofu shit." He bribed. Niall giggled "Ok deal." "Wait I wasn't done, I also want a blow job after the meal." Liam pushed.

Niall giggled "How would that benefit me?" He challenged. "Well it wouldn't but I'm eating tofu for you so I think I should get blown." Niall thought for a minute "Well fair enough." Liam kissed Niall's nose before getting up "Go back to sleep kitten. I'll see you later yeah?" Niall closed his eyes and nodded.

Liam watched Niall for a bit just sighing contently at the sight of his small boyfriend in his huge bed. The older man walked to the shower smiling and proceeded to get ready for work.

"Um Hello, I'm here to see Mr.Payne." It was now 12:00 and Niall decided to surprise Liam at work and bring him lunch. He knew Liam would he far too busy to actually leave and get lunch.

The woman at the desk looked over at him from behind her glasses. "If you're another kid here to drop off a demo forget about it. Mr.Payne has no time for children. Even if he did you certainly wouldn't be getting in without an appointment. Do you know how long that list is?" She let out a laugh. Niall frowned a bit being called a child, who was this woman anyways? If she knew what Liam did to him every night she wouldn't be calling him a child.

"I don't think you understand who I am." Niall said raising his eyebrows "A kid who thinks he's gonna make it big time and walks in a major record label wearing skinny jeans?" She retorted. "Call him. Ask him if he knows Niall Horan." Niall instructed. The woman scoffed "I will not bother Mr.Payne for petty game- wait... Niall, Niall Horan? As in Mr.Paynes-" Niall cut her off with a smirk "Yes Niall Horan Liam's boyfriend."

The lady about fainted "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Mr.Horan. I'll get you an elevator card." She said rushing around looking for one. She came back with an elevator card you had to have to operate the elevator and handed it to him quickly. "Thank you..." He trailed off looking at the name tag "Judy. By the way you might lose your job in the next 10 minutes. I mean you /could/ come back and beg Mr.Payne for another chance but I don't know if you can get an appointment, do you know how long that list is?" He mocked her before walking off.

Niall made his way up the elevator with the delicious smelling food to the 64th floor where Liam's office was, right at the top. "Surprise." The blonde giggled. "Niall!" Liam yelled excited and stood up quickly almost nocking over his chair and coffee. Niall laughed and placed the food on a table in the corner of Liam's office.

Liam's office was very nice, it took up the entire floor and they had a great view of all of London. The wall behind his desk was all windows but the rest were painted a sleek matte black to match the cabinets and bookshelf that lined one of the walls. There was a leather couch and a flat screen tv in the corner along with a table and a mini fridge which was never used it just took up space really.

"Hey babe." Niall said wrapping his arms around Liam's neck "Hi baby, I missed you." Liam said tilting Niall's chin up and gave him a slow kiss. The older boy looked at the food on the table and nudged his nose on Niall's. "You're the best bunny." He whispered. Niall giggled and kissed his cheek. "Let's eat. I know your busy."

Liam opened the bag and took the tins of food out "I'm never too busy for you baby boy." He said opening one of the boxes of personal pizza and a tin filled with spaghetti and sauce. "I got Italian food cuz I know it's your favorite." Niall said quietly. Liam grinned "You're really the best boyfriend I could ask for." The brown eyed man said pulling Niall down onto the couch with him and handed him the personal pizza without cheese on it.

The two are in silence for a while before Liam swallowed thickly "I um... Niall you truly mean everything to me and I know this might be a bit soon but I uh... I'd like you meet my family. Tonight. My mom invited us for dinner and I know you probably don't wanna go but I really want them to meet the boy I love and-" Niall cut him off with a giggle. "Of coarse I wanna meet your parents, I really hope they like me. What if they don't Li?"

Liam shook his head "I'm sure they will love you like I do... If they don't then fuck them. They're forced to love me Niall they're my parents and one day they'll be gone, but you love me because you want to. I won't give you up for anything baby, I know you're the one."

Niall smiled and kissed Liam's cheek "You're so cheesy." He whispered into his ear. "Yeah but you love cheesy hopeless romantic shit." Liam pointed out. "That's true daddy. You know what would be /really/ cheesy?" Niall asked sliding his hand over Liam's rock hard chest. "What's that baby?" Liam asked beginning to suck a mark on the younger boys neck. "If you fucked me on your desk." Liam smirked and picked up the blonde. "Your wish is my command princess." He whispered darkly before dropping Niall on the desk.

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