Chapter 18

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It took a while for Niall to get used to smoking but he got a hang of it once Liam had showed him what to do, and he quite liked it. Once the boys had finished the blunt with many shared giggles they made their way back out to the club. The music sounded louder then before if that was possible.

"Liam." Niall giggled hanging off his shoulder and looked around at the lights bouncing off the walls looking more vibrant and bright then he remembered. Everything seamed like he was looking trough a very high definition television.

"Yes baby cakes?" Liam asked pulling Niall's back side against his crotch and began to grind into the smaller boy. "I don't 'member now." The blonde said going into a fit of laughter afterwards. "Wait I remember! I'm hungry."

Liam laughed "Baby we just ate dinner, the leftovers are in the trunk we can eat them when we get home." He assured being a chill person when he was drunk or high. Horny but chill.

Niall was the giggly cuddly type of drunk who wanted to laugh on your shoulder until he was puking and you'd have to rub his back.

"I wanna show you the VIP area." The older said grabbing Niall's hand and pulled him up the stairs and into a VIP section.

When they entered Liam greeted his friend who owned the place and congratulated him as Niall just stared at Liam pretending like he knew what was going on. The man was called over to assist someone and Liam turned back to Niall.

"Come on." He said pulling the blonde behind him closer to the back where there was a table where people were rolling up 100's. "Li what's that?" The younger asked painting to the white powdery substance on the table.

"That's cocaine baby doll , I don't think you're ready for that yet though." Liam informed. He was glad Niall wasn't as bad as he was as a kid, by Niall's age Liam had done acid and gotten arrested a few times. Liam was the bad boy jock type in high school, looking back he was pretty stupid but he needed to go trough that to become the successful man he is today.

"Oh okay." The blonde answered giggling some more. There was a few strippers walking around the VIP area obviously trying to get Liam's attention but all he wanted was to see Niall naked begging for him.

"Listen Ni, why don't we get out of here." Liam suggested flirtatiously and pulled Niall's hand up to his hand kissing the back of it. The blonde blushed and nodded "Okay daddy." He whispered into Liam's ear just loud enough for him to hear over the music.

Liam said goodbye to everyone he knew and paid the bartender before ducking out the back door pulling Niall with him. Liam might have been high but he knew enough to know he shouldn't drive.

The older man opened the trunk of the range rover and laid out some blankets from their camping trip that were never unpacked. "Here Ni, let's just hang out here until I'm sober enough to drive." He suggested.

"Okay." Niall giggled and got in the trunk not really knowing what was going on still. Liam went to the front and started the car turning on the heat because it was late November and it was quite chilly, they had one snow fall already.

After making sure everything was situated Liam climbed into the trunk shutting it behind him and used another blanket to wrap around Niall. "I'm sweating." Niall laughed going to trough it off but Liam have him a stern look witch stopped his motions completely.

The blonde obviously thought he was sweating because the alcohol was making his body temperature rise but his skin was like ice. Liam was not going to let Niall get sick once again. He really didn't enjoy having to deal with his boyfriend crying in pain, although he couldn't complain because sick Niall was extremely cuddly and secretly Liam loved taking care of him.

Liam laid down and pulled Niall on his chest so they were sharing their body heat under the blanket. "Hey bunny, you know I love you very much right?" The brunette asked. Niall nodded fast "of coarse I knowed that." He giggled with the drugs causing his incorrect speech.

Liam smiled figuring this would be a good time to pull a move on Niall, he was like a girl Liam had to made him feel nice before getting something out of it. "And you know I love every little part of your body." He said sliding his hands down the back of Niall's pants to massage his ass.

The younger giggled for the thousandth time and buried his head in Liam's neck. "And I want to make you feel good." The older continued and quickly opened Niall's pants.

Niall giggled and shook his head "Not here silly." He said but was suddenly flipped over so he was under Liam "Yes here." The older challenged. "Liam no." Niall said suddenly getting more serious.

"Come on Niall I know you're just playing." Liam chuckled and began to undo his own pants quickly. "Liam I don't feel comfortable stop." The blonde mumbled.

"Niall! You've been a tease all night and you won't even let me touch you, give it up." Liam said rolling his eyes slightly making no move to slow down as he searched for a condom.

"I told you to fucking stop, that means stop!" Niall yelled and slapped Liam harshly across the face before gasping as he realized what he did. "Oh my gosh Liam I'm-" Liam held up a hand "Shut up." He roared.

"You're so ungrateful for everything I've done for you tonight, you know that Niall." The older said before shaking his head "You're sleeping in your room tonight, and don't be surprised if you see someone leave the house in the morning. You wouldn't give it up."

Niall just stared up at Liam in shock for a minute, feeling all the guilt go away. Liam deserved that slap, he was being a fucking cunt and Niall wouldn't take that, too many people had taken advantage of him. The blonde threw himself onto Liam and just began throwing punches anywhere he could.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again you fucking asshole." The blonde cried as he felt his fist collide with Liam's cheek.

As soon as Niall's fist hit his cheek Liam was brought to reality, it was no longer the drugs controlling him, Niall's punch was sobering. "Wait Niall-" he tried but Niall punched him once again in the mouth.

Liam knew as he looked up in Niall's eyes that one of two things could happen. One Niall wouldn't remember this at all, or two (the most terrifying to Liam) was that he would loose the love of his life over some weed and a hard cock.

A.n. Whose side are you on?

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