Chapter 9

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The door swung open and all the boys let out a sigh of relief seeing Andy walk in. "We have to get out of here now. There's a fire escape out the window but there's still a 7 foot jump." He said beginning to unlock the window.

Niall snuggled closer to Liam "I-I'm scared." He whispered. "Shh baby it's ok. You're gonna be ok. I swear I will get you out of here." The older man assured. He was going to do anything to save Niall, even if it meant risking his own life.

Andy jumped out the window onto the fire escape and ran down the stairs before making the jump to the ground. Harry and Zayn followed quickly behind. Louis was a little skeptical but Harry gave him a reassuring look and he made it down looking a bit shaken. Niall bit his lip hearing more footsteps coming up the stairs "Niall come on, you have to try." Liam said pulling him to the fire escape running down the stairs hand in hand.

"Liam I can't." Niall said when it came to the drop, Liam had already jumped with no problem. "Come on I'll catch you, I'm right here. Slide your butt off." Liam urged. Niall sat down and quickly slid off falling two feet before he was in Liam's arms. Liam placed Niall down and rejoined their hands running toward his car and unlocked it with the remote. Andy Louis and Harry went in the way back, Zayn was in the middle and Niall and Liam in the front.

No one could say anything they were too shaken up, Liam just pulled away from the curb "Andy call the police." Liam said after a few minutes once he could process a thought. Andy nodded and called explaining the situation. Niall closed his eyes and began crying silently, Liam knew the small boy really needed him to take care of him but he needed to make sure everyone was safe first. "It's ok baby." Liam whispered resting his hand on Niall's thigh before lifting the armrest so Niall could cuddle into him. It was a good thing they took the ranger over so everyone fit.

Niall dropped Zayn Louis and Harry all off at Zayn's before bringing the rest of them to Liam's house. Niall had to be carried in because he was crying so much. Niall knew he should be thankful they got out but there was still so many people in the house. Liam set Niall down in bed and kissed his head before setting up the guest room for Andy.

"Li Li." Niall whispered when Liam walked back in the room "Yes angel?" The brunette asked taking his suit off and laid down pulling Niall's naked body on top of his. "Thank you." He whispered. Liam shook his head "Don't mention it love bug. Try to get some sleep yeah? How about we have breakfast in bed tomorrow and we can watch Disney movies." He offered. Niall nodded once and sniffled before Liam pulled the comforter up and they passed out.

A.n. Last chapter I almost had 8k now I almost have 11k wow. Thank you all so much, all your comments make me so happy.

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