Chapter 13

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"Li I'm nervous." Niall mumbled as they got into the car and began to drive to Liam's parents house. "Niall you look so handsome come on, I'm sure they'll love you baby. How could they not? You're adorable and you make me so happy." Liam assured kissing his hand as he began to drive.

"I feel weird in these pants." Niall mumbled playing with the pocket of his black dress pants "That's because they're not tight like your pants usually are babe." Liam reminded chuckling "And that shirt looks very good on you." He added. Niall shrugged and reached up playing with the collar of his pastel blue shirt that was rolled up to his elbows. "Now Niall quick recap. My mother refuses to be called Mrs.Payne. It makes her feel old, call her Karen. Ruth and Nicola are my sisters and Anthony and John are my brothers. My fathers name is Geoff."

Niall nodded urging Liam to continue. " Ruth has a daughter whose my niece; Abby. John and Ruth are the oldest they're twins. Then Nicola, then Anthony is a year older then me." Liam continued. "My grandparents may be there depending on weather my grandmother feels ok, she has breast cancer." He informed.

"So technically Karen is my stepmom but she married my dad before I was born. My parents were never married, they had Anthony then when my mom found out she was pregnant they broke up. Karen has been like a mother to me. My real mother was... Troubled. She was a heroine addict so Anthony and I were taken from her. I loved her still even after we were taken, I know she wanted the best for us but she couldn't do that." Liam sighed.

"I've kind of always hated Anthony because of it. He hated her, he didn't go to her funeral but he had one more year with her that I'll never get. He's such a fucking cock, he's always trying to out do me." Liam scoffed. Niall smiled a bit "At least your brother talks to you. Mine lives in Ireland still and I haven't seen him in years." Liam frowned "Baby that's so sad." He kissing the blondes hand once again.

When they walked in the house Abby instantly jumped on Liam nearly nocking him over "Hey munchkin!" Liam said kissing her cheek holding her on his hip while he still held Niall's hand. "This is my boyfriend, his name is Niall can you say hi?" He asked the toddler. Abby nodded, her pigtails bouncing up and down happily "Hi Ni." She said giggling. "Hi, I like your hair." He said smiling. Abby wiggled from Liam's arms and ran to inform the adults Liam had arrived.

"Liam!" Anthony cheered coming down the stairs. Anthony basically looked like Liam's twin except he was slightly taller had no tattoos and green eyes. The older boy came down the stairs and clapped his hand on Liam's back smiling. Liam rolled his eyes "Hello Anthony." He spat. "Whose this?" He asked with a charming smile looking at Niall. "This is MY boyfriend Niall." Liam said beginning to pull Niall away.

It wasn't even that Anthony was trying he was just naturally a happy charming person. "Very nice to meet you Niall." He said taking Niall's hand and kissed the back of it. The smaller boy blushed and giggled a bit. He couldn't help it, an attractive man was complementing him, he wasn't gonna do anything with him but he knows an attractive man when he sees one.

Everyone Liam had brought home Anthony would do this but the difference was they were girls and they were dumb enough to give in. Niall was a guy and Anthony wasn't even gay, Liam never thought he would be making moves on him. "Nice to meet you too." Niall said smiling back at him before Liam was ushering him to the kitchen.

"Liam! Baby!" Karen yelled dropping the knife she was using and rushed over to hug him. "Why don't you come visit me anymore? You know you're always welcome." Liam nodded and kissed her cheek "Yes Ma I know." He chuckled. "I've just been so busy with this one." He chuckled wrapping his arm around Niall's waist protectively. "Hello Mrs-Karen. I mean Karen." He said with a cute smile on his face.

"Niall it's so nice to meet you finally sweetheart." Karen said grinning and looked him over "Liam you didn't tell me he was this handsome." She said gently pushing his shoulder. "Yes I did mom like 12 times." He laughed. Niall blushed and kissed Liam's cheek. Karens eyes landed on the ring on Niall's finger and she raised an eyebrow at Liam "Liam James, do you have something to tell me?" She asked.

Liam followed her eyes down to the ring and shook his head "Oh no, it's a promise ring. Like a promise that he's mine and one day he will marry me when he's ready. Plus I needed an excuse to buy him something nice." The brunette chuckled and pecked Niall quickly. Niall leaned close to Liam's ear and whispered "Babe I've got to pee, where's the bathroom?" "It's the door at the end of that hall." He answered letting Niall's hand go so he could walk to the bathroom.

Liam smiled and watched his butt until he was in the bathroom "He's the one mom." He said sighing contently as he turned back to her. "I can tell Li." Karen assured smiling back at him as she went back to chopping vegetables. "I saw it the second you two walked in here, he's gonna be the one you spend the rest of your life with." Liam looked up grinning "God he's just so perfect for me mom, he's intelligent, he's gorgeous, he knows how to deal with all my annoying traits." He listed. "We balance each other very well. I get very annoyed and angry where as he's bubbly and giggly, I look very intimidating where as he's a little ball of sunshine."

Niall walked back in giggling, Liam hadn't even noticed he was done he was just so busy thinking about his boyfriend. "Oh hi baby, I was just talking about you." Liam said grinning and pulled him back closer. "Here come to the living room everyone's watching football."

Niall nodded and followed Liam trough the hall past multiple doors until they got to the living room. The house was huge, witch was understandable since they had 5 kids. Liam had told him the house was once a castle to a king and queen. Niall was very much a city boy, he knew London like the back of his hand, but he had to admit the country was beautiful. The Paynes house was surrounded by beautiful gardens and a small lake with a big willow tree growing in the center. It was about an hour and a half away from London where Liam and Niall lived.

"Hey Man!" John said standing up and put his beer down giving Liam a brotherly hug. "Hello, you must be Niall I'm John." The man introduced holding a hand out to Niall. "Hello, nice to meet you, I hear your Liam's favorite brother." The blonde joked. John laughed and nodded "Seams so. Well don't tell Anthony but Liam is my favorite." He chuckled.

"Hey! Anthony is my favorite." Ruth said trying to get up with a bit of a struggle since she was sporting a pretty big baby bump. "Let me help you." Nicola chuckled and got up pulling her older sister up "Oh please Roo, we all know John is your favorite because you two escaped the womb at the same time. I missed you Li." Nicola said hugging him and kissed his cheek with Ruth following after.

"Hi I'm Nicola, that water balloon that's about to pop is Ruth." She introduced. Niall giggled and went to shake her hand but Nicola stopped him looking at the ring and gasping. "Hey Li can I talk to you for a minute?" John asked as the girls and Niall began talking about girl stuff.

Liam walked out into the hall with John and smiled "What is it?" He asked. John shook his head smiling "Nothing just... I'm glad to see you doing better. Last time I saw you you weren't doing to well." He said glancing down. "I know I was in a bad place... But now everything is so different, I have Niall." Liam assured grinning. "Liam I don't want to make you depressed or anything but they usually don't stay around long." John sighed. "He's different John. He's gonna be here for a long time."

Niall was whisked away by the girls who took him god knows where before Liam said hi to his dad who was busy working. That man literally never missed a day of work even if he had off he couldn't stop. Liam admired him for that and he was glad he got the workaholic trait form him. "Liam Geoff dinners ready!" Karen called.

The two man walked downstairs and sat, in the mean time Ruth's husband Johns wife and Nicolas boyfriend had arrived and they all loved Niall naturally. Niall was like the perfect mix between a guy and a girl, he loved pink things and glitter and being spoiled and shopping, but he also liked football and guitars and news.

"Why don't you say grace Niall, you're the guest and all." Ruth suggested. Niall smiled and nodded before everyone put their heads down holding hands. Witch was a problem because Anthony was on Niall's other side. "Dear god I'm very thankful for every person at this table. Though we've just met I can't wait to be a part of this family some day. Thank you for bringing us all together to find happiness in each others company." "Amen." Everyone added.

A.n. This was too long I have to update in parts

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