Chapter 19

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Liam's pov (surprise right?)

Everything hurts. My eye hurts, my head hurts, my cheek hurts, and worst of all my fucking heart hurts.

I don't really know what I'm going to do when the boy in my arms finally decides to wake up. I want to kiss him, I want to hold him close and listen to the rain while we drink hot chocolate. I know I can't though, not without feeling the guilt pulling at my mind driving me insane while I deceive him. I took advantage of him last night and lying to him would be salt in the wound.

I feel small fingers brushing the small bruise on my jaw as I'm brought back to reality. I feel the grin blooming on my face as I look down at the love of my life. It feels so wrong to be smiling at a time like this, but god he's so beautiful.

His bright blue eyes full of emotions that I love to pick out. Every one is more beautiful then the next. Wonder, excitement, lust, love, I wish for one day I could see the world trough his eyes. I wish I could always know what he's thinking about.

"Babe." Niall calls me out of my trance one again. "You've been creepily grinning at me for like 2 minutes." His pink lips twist up at the corners as he giggles lightly with the slightest blush.

"I'm sorry." I feel myself chuckle as I lean down to kiss his head. I'm taking advantage of him right in front of his face, and it's so easy. It shouldn't be so easy for me to lie to him. I feel so disgusting but I see his smile and I think, why would I ever want to be the cause of this boys unhappiness.

Niall smiles up at me for a minute as if he was studying me before his lips quickly curl downward. "Liam, what is that bruise babe?" He asked sweetly and sincerely.

I have two options now. I could tell the truth and have him hate me and move back with those fucking nut jobs he called parents. They make me fucking sick; who would ever treat Niall like that? Oh wait I did, what's what got me into this mess. The second choice is to lie. Lie to the boy I love.

If I wasn't such a manipulating asshole I wouldn't be in this situation. I want to tell the truth but how the fuck do you tell your boyfriend you got him fucked up and tried to rape him so he beat you up?

Well I guess that's how you tell him but, ugh! Why is this so fucking difficult just say something Liam! "You hit me." I breathe closing my eyes. I swallow thickly trying to maintain myself.

"Last night at the club after we smoked I... I was trying to get in your pants and you told me to stop because you didn't feel comfortable but I didn't listen. I was being a dick and I tried to force you and you slapped me so I told you I was gonna find someone else to take home. I didn't mean it Niall I was drunk and I was trying to get you to agree to it but then you just started punching me everywhere."

I blurt it out all at once not giving Niall a chance to respond before I feel a tear in my eye. Men don't cry. Stop fucking crying you pussy, just get on with it.

"Niall please- please don't leave me. I'm begging you, I'm so sorry. We drank then we smoked and you looked so good and I couldn't think properly and I know it's no excuse but Niall I need you. I need you like the moon needs the sun. I need you Niall. I need you here to help me cook Saturday morning breakfast."

"I need all the little things that come with you, your pink tooth brush next to mine. Your clothes that take up more then your half of the closet. Niall nothing would ever be the same without you. If you left me I don't think I'd be able to function properly ever again."

Fuck I'm really crying now, the silent tears roll down my cheeks slowly as I grip my hair tightly in frustration. I'm so pissed off at myself. I don't deserve him, I just keep giving him reasons to leave. I've never been in love before and it's so hard because Niall is my first real partner and I don't know how to please him. I've never had the chance to make mistakes and get better.

"Li-" Niall began but I don't want to hear it. This is it he's leaving me. I set him down and get up pacing slightly next to the bed. I'm a right mess. "You can't leave Niall. You can't do that to me, I can't-" I snap and turn around not realizing what I'm doing until my fist is trough the wall.

"Shit." I mumble pulling my bloody fist from the wall. It doesn't even hurt , guess because of the adrenaline.

I feel his delicate fingers brush the back of my arm as he steps closer. "Calm down. I'm not going anywhere, I'm here forever, even after you get sick of me." He giggles.

He's obviously trying to lighten the mood which works because I feel my lips twitch into something that resembles a smile. I look into his baby blue eyes and detect a bit of fear hidden within the compassion. I mean I did just bust our wall open so I don't really blame him.

"I'll never get sick of you. You're perfect for me." I assure him pulling the small boy into my chest and wrap my arms around his hour glass waist. I feel at peace finally, I have my little Niall that's all I need.

Sure the cars and the mansion are all cool but Niall, he's what really matters. Money really can't buy you happiness. It can buy you pleasure, it can buy joy, but money could never buy me anything close to what I feel with Niall.

Niall looks up at me and stands on his tip toes trying to reach my lips but I meet him in the middle pressing my lips against his lightly but with all the love in the world.

"My precious little Niall, I'm going to take care of you until the day I die. Im gonna take care of you and our beautiful children, give you all everything you need. I want to be that couple that kisses every day when I come home and you have dinner waiting. I'll bring you flowers and help you get the kids ready for bed."

I've thought about our future a lot, I am 33 after all and most people my age already have kids in kindergarten. I wouldn't trade Niall for the world though and I'm willing to wait as long as he needs. He will be the one delivering our baby after all.

Niall and I haven't really talked about college and jobs though. I'd rather Niall not work at all. I'm a man, I want to provide for my family,and I do have the means to do so. I want to treat Niall like a princess, I want to buy him diamond bracelets and have maids and I don't want him to have to do anything.

My Niall has been trough a lot. His father was murdered in front of him, his stepdad was abusive. He has cuts everywhere, he basically had to sell himself to get by. Niall never got to really be a kid and it breaks my heart that my little ball of sunshine has to be reminded of that everyday.

"That sounds lovely, but right now I need some water for this hangover and maybe some breakfast." Niall says jumping up so I can hold him up by the back of his thighs.

"Sure thing baby doll." I answer sweetly. I will do anything in the world to make him happy.

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