Chapter 11

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The next morning

Marc: (walks in) DIXIE JANE, GET YOUR ASS UP!

Dixie: (wakes up) what dad?

Marc: I told you and Noah to not do this shit! I told you that he was sleeping in the guest room and you where sleeping in your room!

Dixie: (rolls her eyes) dad, just leave before you wake my baby up!

Marc: no Dixie! I want him gone before tomorrow!

Dixie: if he is gone, I'm leaving too! I'm staying with my baby forever!

Marc: He isn't worth it dixie, he will break your fucking heart!

Dixie: (rolls her eyes) he won't break my heart, he loves me and I love him! We want to get married at some point in life, We want to be happy together.

Marc: (rolls his eyes) whatever Dixie, but you should date nick again, he was good for you!


Noah: (wakes up) b-baby?

Dixie: (looks at Noah) morning baby, did I wake you up?

Noah: no bub, you didn't. (kisses her head)

Dixie: you can try going back to sleep handsome. (kisses his cheek)

Noah: no it's all good, I'm not tired anymore.

Dixie: can I speak to my father for a moment, alone?

Noah: ofc you can princess, I need to go to the bathroom anyway.

Dixie: (smiles) thank you buba, I love you!

Noah: I love you too cutie!

(Noah leaves the movie theatre)

Dixie: You where saying?

Marc: I don't see any reason as to why you broke up with nick.

Dixie: you see dad, nick used to mentally abuse me, he body shamed me, he made me drop most of my friends, he called me names-

Marc: people change Dixie, nick has changed!

Dixie: nick has always been the same Dick he used to be in middle school, and he always will be.

(Dixie gets up and leaves)

Noah: Hey buba. (smiles)

Dixie: (walks over to Noah) I love you lots, bub!

Noah: I love you lots too, princess!

Dixie: Can we take some Instagram pics, then I want to go to the mall.

Noah: ofc we can babe!

Heidi: (smiles) just remember be home before 6pm for dinner, then we can sit by the pool.

Dixie: okay, thanks mom!

(Dixie and Noah run upstairs to Dixie's room)

Noah: I'm gonna shower and change first, before we take those photos.

Dixie: (puppy dog eyes) Can I come?

Noah: babe, what if your parents come in they will kill us.

Dixie: I know but pweeseeeee?

Noah: fine, but make sure the door is locked so no one comes in.

Dixie: (smiles) YAY!!!!

(Dixie locks the door then they head to the shower)

Dixie: (undresses and jumps in) BUBBY, ITS COLD!!

Noah: baby shhh, and i know just give me a second to undress then get in. hopefully it will have warmed up a bit.

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