Chapter 31

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(Doah arrive at the restaurant and sit down before eating)

Addi: do y'all want to head to the beach?

Dixie: sure!

Clove: yay!!

(They head to the beach)

Addi: when are you guys thinking of having another?

Dixie: after DJ turns 2, I don't want us to stress ourselves out too much, and we go to collage this year. What about you guys?

Addi: we want to try when Dallas is 3 or 4, as both Bryce and I will have finished college and so Dallas can spent time with us before we give him a sibling.

Dixie: yeah.

Clove: mommy, can I go in the water?

Dixie: No baby, it's way too cold and we have no spare clothes with us.

Clove: (looks down) okay..

Noah: (whispers in Clove's ear) go play in the water, and daddy will give you his hoodie after.

Clove: (looks at Noah) but mommy said no.

Noah: it's okay, Daddy said you can!

Clove: (smiles) okay!

(Clove gets up and runs into the water before splashing around)


Clove: Daddy said yes...

Dixie: (turns to Noah) You did what?

Noah: babe, she just wants to have fun, let her play in the water.

Dixie: Noah, we have no clothes for her! She's gonna freeze!

Noah: I'll give her my hoodie. She'll be okay!

Dixie: (rolls her eyes) whatever! But when she gets sick you are taking care of her!

Noah: okay?

Dixie: and you can sleep in the lounge tonight, Because I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you.

Noah: Di-

Dixie: Don't "Dix" me. I said no to her going in the water and clearly you don't respect my decision!

Noah: okay.

15 minutes later

Clove: (runs over to Noah while shivering) Daddy, can I have your jacket? I'm cold..

Noah: (smiles and gives her his hoodie) Ofc you can princess!

(Clove puts Noah's hoodie on and sits in between his legs)

Noah: (kisses Clove's head) do you know how much I love you?

Clove: (smiles) Lots?

Noah: I love you infinity!

Clove: (giggles) I love you too daddy!

Darla: (starts crying)

Dixie: (looks down) you hungry princess?

(Dixie lifts her shirt up for Darla but she doesn't latch and continues to cry)

Dixie: DJ, what's wrong baby?

Noah: (looks over then sticks his arms out for Darla) you want dada, princess?

Darla: (smiles)

(Noah takes Darla from Dixie)

Noah: hi babygirl!

(Clove looks at Noah then at Dixie with sad eyes)

Dixie: Coco, why do you look sad?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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