Chapter 13

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(They had been on the plane for about 4 hours)

Charli: we are almost home!!

Noah: (looking out the window) yeah..

Charli: what's up Noah?

Noah: nothing char, it doesn't matter..

Charli: are you sure, Noah?

Noah: yup!

Charli: okay...

(Charli goes on tiktok)

Charli: awww!!!

Nailea: (looks on charli's phone) omg that's so cute!

Charli: I know right! Look Noah!

Noah: no thanks, char.

Charli: Noah, just look!

(Noah looks at the phone and sees a cute edit of Noah and Dixie)

Noah: that's nice...

Charli: Noah, what is wrong?

Noah: nothing is wrong charli!

Charli: is it because Dixie, won't be here for your game tomorrow?

Noah: ofc it is char! I need her! I haven't played well in 4 months!

Charli: Noah your going to do fine.. you have your teammates, your boys, I'll be there, your sister will be there, you don't need Dixie she doesn't even like soccer.

Noah: whatever....

Back at the dorm

Bryce: hey bro!

Noah: sup dude!

Bryce: what's up?

Noah: oh nothing just that my girlfriend is 5 and a half hours away...

Bryce: I'm sorry dude, but you need to move on from Dixie.. she isn't coming back and you don't need her!

Noah: Bryce it's not as easy as that and I love Dixie, so much I can't just leave her heart broken...

(Addi runs up to her room and slams the door before calling Dixie)

*on call*

Dixie: hey adds, what's up?

Addi: um...Bryce just told Noah to break up with you.

Dixie: HE WHAT!!!

Addi: yeah, I'm sorry.

Dixie: it's not your fault adds, but what did Noah say?

Addi: he said "it's not as easy as that and he loves you".

Dixie: (smiles) good! Can you tell Noah I love him or can you give me to him?

Addi: ofc I can, beb!

(Addi runs to Noah who is in his room and gives him her phone)

Dixie: hi baby!

Noah: hey shawty! How are you?

Dixie: I'm good, just a little sad that I can't kiss you!

Noah: me too, baby!

Dixie: I heard what Bryce told you..

Noah: yeah sorry bub, but I'm not ever breaking up with you!

Dixie: (giggles) I love you!

Noah: I love you too princess! Where are you going?

Dixie: oh I'm in the car going to target, so get snacks because me and Harli are having a movie night!

The cheerleader and the soccer player - Doah Story {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now