Chapter 23

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Dixie: (looks at him) Noah, I'm pregnant. (gives him the positive pregnancy test)

Noah: (looks at the test then up at Dixie and smiles) W-We are gonna be amazing parents again!

Dixie: (hugs Noah) thank you baby!

Noah: no, thank you!

Dixie: (looks at clove) Coco.

Clove: yes mommy?

Dixie: I have a baby, in my tummy!

Clove: (smiles) I GET TO BE A BIG SISTER?

Noah: (picks her up) yeah!

Clove: (starts crying) Y-Yay! I always wanted to be a big sister!

Dixie: (hugs her) don't cry baby!

Clove: I'm just so happy!

Dixie: me too!

(They take a couple photos before heading to saddle ranch to meet the D'Amelio's)

Heidi: hey guys!

Dixie: hi mom!

Harli: hi pickles!

Dixie: stop calling me that!

Harli: sorry.

Clove: mommy.

Dixie: (bends down) yes baby?

Clove: (whispers in her ear) can I tell them about the baby in your tummy?

Dixie: not yet princess.

Clove: okay!

Heidi: come sit down guys!

After dinner

Clove: daddy.

Noah: yes baby?

Clove: I'm tired.

Noah: (puts his arms out) come here then babygirl.

(Clove gets out her chair and goes over to Noah)

Noah: (picks her up and puts her on his lap) try get to sleep, princess.

Clove: (snuggles into his chest) okay.

Harli: (walks over to Noah) Noah come play!

Noah: sorry kiddo.

Harli: please?

Noah: sorry har, I'm trying to put coco to sleep.

Harli: but Noah.

Dixie: He said no Harli! Now stop pestering him!

Harli: Clove stole my sister and Noah, from me!

Dixie: no she didn't!

Harli: yes she did! (Storms away)

Dixie: (rolls her eyes) whatever!

Back at the dorm

Noah: I'm gonna go quickly put coco up to bed.

Dixie: okay! (Sits on the sofa)

(Noah goes upstairs and puts coco down before heading back to Dixie)

Dixie: Harli is turning into a little brat.

Noah: baby, she just wants attention, coco might do the same when baby beck comes along.

Dixie: (puts her head on his shoulder) I hope not.

Noah: Me too.

Dixie: anyways, can we post our pictures?

Noah: ofc!

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