Chapter 5

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7 am

Noah: (wakes up and looks at the alarm clock) shit, bub wake up

Dixie: (whines) noo I'm tired (snuggles into Noah's chest)

Noah: babe as much as I like cuddling with you school starts in an hour (kisses her head)

Dixie: (whines) I don't want to get up your so warm

Noah: I don't want to get up either babe but we have tryouts today

Dixie: (sits up) oh yeah (smiles)

Noah: so let's get ready

Dixie: (gets up) okay (smiles)

(They both get up and Dixie goes into her own room and changes while Noah changes in his room)

Dixie's outfit:

Dixie's outfit:

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Noah's outfit:

(After Dixie finishes changing she knocks on Noah's door)

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(After Dixie finishes changing she knocks on Noah's door)

Dixie: baby??

Noah: yeah bub?

Dixie: are you done changing?

Noah: yeah you can come in babe

(Dixie walks in)

Noah: you look hot baby

Dixie: thank you handsome

Noah: (wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her) I love you bub

Dixie: (wraps her arms around his neck and kisses back) I love you too

Noah: let's go downstairs to Addi

Dixie: yay

(They hold hands and go downstairs to whare everyone is)

Dixie: omg I forgot everyone was here

Noah: same

Charli: morning lovebirds

Dixie: (giggles) morning char, how was your sleep?

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