Chapter 29

622 14 8

3 am

Clove: (wakes up crying and throws up everywhere) D-Daddy.

Noah: (wakes up) omg, Coco! Are you okay?

Clove: I-I'm sorry...

Noah: coco, baby don't worry we will get this cleaned up.

(clove puts her arms out for Noah to pick her up)

Noah: (picks her up and pushes her hair out of her face) how about, we go to the bathroom so we can get all the vomit out your hair?

(Clove just nods and they go into the bathroom)

Dixie: (wakes up holding Darla and checks the time) babe?

Noah: I'm in the bathroom! Don't move, Coco vomited everywhere!

Dixie: okay.

Noah: are you going to be okay alone for a minute coco?

Clove: yes, I'll be okay...

(Noah goes through to the bedroom)

Noah: (takes Darla from Dixie then puts her in the travel cot) okay, I'll change the sheets if you want to go help coco.

Dixie: okay!

(Dixie gets up and goes into the bathroom to help coco)

Dixie: (sits behind her) are you okay baby?

Clove: (throws up) I feel sick.

Dixie: (rubs her back) let it all out princess!

(Clove throws up another couple times before fainting)

Dixie: (yells) B-BABE! SHE FAINTED!

(Noah runs in)

Noah: go grab clothes for the 4 of us, and I'll change coco quickly and I'll meet you in the car if you want to grab DJ.

Dixie: okay!

(Dixie grabs clothes for the 4 for the next 2 days, Noah changes clove into clean clothes and Dixie carefully changes DJ into new clothes before the older 2 get changed into new clean clothes)

Darla's outfit:

Clove's outfit:

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Clove's outfit:

Clove's outfit:

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