Chapter 22

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Dixie: (wakes up) baby.

Noah: (opens his eyes) yeah, babe?

Dixie: I need to throw up.

Noah: (gets up) come on then.

(The 2 head into the bathroom)

Dixie: I don't feel good today. (frowns)

Noah: (tubs her back) I know baby, I know.

Dixie: (throws up) can you call Char and ask her to come pick Coco up?

Noah: Of course I can buba, I'll also go wake up coco and get her ready, just stay here.

Dixie: okay.

(Noah goes into the lounge and calls Charli)

Sis in-law
Hey Noah...

Hey Char!
Can you do me and dix a favour please?

Sis in-law
Yeah what's up?

Dixie isn't feeling great so,
We where wondering if you
Could come pick coco up and
Look after her for the day?

Sis in-law
I'd love to Noah!
I'll be over in 30!

Thanks Char!
See you soon!

(The call ends and Noah quickly goes upstairs into Clove's room)

Noah: Coco, baby!

Clove: (wakes up and smiles) Morning daddy!

Noah: morning princess! Aunt Charli and Aunt Nai is coming to pick you up in 30 minutes.

Clove: Why?

Noah: mommy isn't feeling good today, so you are going to hang out with them and have so much fun!

Clove: okay.

Noah: (kisses her head) me and Mommy, love you lots!

Clove: (smiles) I love you guys too!

Noah: (smiles) let's get you dressed for the day!

Clove: okay!

(They go into the closet and pick a cute outfit before Noah changes Clove then they head downstairs)

Cloves outfit:

Cloves outfit:

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Dixie: buba.

Noah: (walks in with coco) yeah bub?

Dixie: can you come sit with me?

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