Chapter 20

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4 months later

Noah: babe, wake up!

Dixie: (rolls over) morning buba!

Noah: (kisses her) morning baby!

Dixie: (sticks her tongue out) Ewww, morning breath!!

Noah: (chuckles) I have a big game in two hours, so we better get up!

Dixie: okie! I'll go get Coco up!

Noah: babe. her name is clove!

Dixie: I know! But coco is her nickname. (giggles)

Noah: you're giggle is the cutest!

Dixie: (giggles) thank you!

(They both get up and Dixie goes through to Clove's room)

Dixie: coco, baby time to wake up princess!

Clove: (slowly wakes up) morning Dixie!

Dixie: (sits on the bed and wraps her arms around clove) morning, little one!

Clove: is it Noah's game today?

Dixie: yup! And we are going to go cheer him on!

Clove: yay!

Dixie: I got you a little gift, for the game!

Clove: really?

Dixie: (smiles) yeah!

Clove: yay!

(Dixie goes to get the gift and goes back to clove)

Dixie: I hope you like this!

Clove: (opens the box and looks at Dixie) you got me a soccer jersey to match Noah?

Dixie: (smiles) yeah!

Clove: (hugs Dixie) thank you Dixie! I love you!!

Dixie: I love you too, clove!!

(Addi walks in)

Addi: Dix, who is gonna look after clove?

Dixie: what do you mean?

Addi: I mean we are cheering, for the soccer team.

Dixie: wait what?

Addi: (nods) yeah, we have to cheer!

Dixie: oh...well I could ask Avani or Charli.

Addi: you want me to call char?

Dixie: yes please!

Addi: okay, im on it!

(Addi leaves)

Clove: Dixie, what does that mean?

Dixie: it means I have to be down on the soccer field, with my cheer team and you will be in the stands with your aunts.

Clove: oh.

Dixie: im sorry cutie!

Clove: (kisses Dixie's head) it's okay!


Dixie: (yells) THANKS ADDI!

just before they leave

Dixie: Clove, baby have you got everything?

Clove: Yes!

Dixie: good girl!

Addi: Let's go!

Noah: taking the Tesla!

Dixie: (giggles) okay!

The cheerleader and the soccer player - Doah Story {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now