Chapter 19

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On the plane

Noah: Dixie baby, we are landing...

Dixie: (groans) I'm comfy!

Noah: I know you are bub! But as soon as we get in the car you can sleep..

Dixie: okay.

(Their plane lands and they go get their bags before going to the car)

Dixie: (gets into the car and falls asleep)

Noah: bub? Are you gonna help me? Bub?

(Noah checks on Dixie and sees she is sleeping)

Noah: (kisses her head) sleep well baby!

(Noah finishes putting all the bags in the trunk and drives to the dorm)

Noah: (shakes Dixie lightly) Dixie baby...

Dixie: (wakes up) what?

Noah: baby, we are home.

Dixie: (smiles) yay!

(They get their bags out and head inside)

Addi: welcome back!

Dixie: (smiles and walks over to Addi to hug her) it's good to be back!

Addi: well I'll let you two go upstairs and unpack.

Noah: thanks Addi!

In Noah's room

Noah: dix..

Dixie: yeah?

Noah: your surprise is in your room..

Dixie: can I go get it later?

Noah: I don't think you can bub.

Dixie: why?

Noah: just go check!

(Doah head next door into Dixie's room)

Dixie: (turns around) What? HOW?

Noah: (smiles) Anthony helped!

Clove: (turns round) DIXIE!!

Dixie: (runs over and picks her up) HEY LITTLE ONE!!

Noah: you like your surprise?

Dixie: (nods while crying and runs over to Noah to hug him) Thank you, bub!!

Noah: (kisses her head) you are welcome bubby!

Dixie: is she ours?

Noah: (nods) yeah!

Clove: (grips onto Dixie's shirt) thank you, Dixie!

Dixie: (kisses her head) I love you Clove!

Clove: I love you too mo- Dixie!

Dixie: can we go out to dinner to celebrate?

Noah: yeah! Ofc!

Dixie: yay! Do we have any clothes for this one?

Noah: yep! Addi went shopping right after you left last time..

Dixie: so you had clove since I left?

Noah: (smiles) yup!

Dixie: how did you hide her so well?

Noah: she stayed in avani's dorm

Dixie: ohhhh! Anyways I'm gonna go change this one!

Noah: (chuckles) have fun baby!

Dixie: I will!

(Noah leaves Dixie's room to go change)

Dixie: Let's go find you a cute little dress to wear!

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