Chapter 12

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2 days later

Heidi: (walks in) Dix, Noah time to wake up.

Dixie: (wakes up) what time is it?

Heidi: 5am.

Dixie: can we sleep for another hour?

Heidi: as much as I love to see you and Noah together...Noah's flight is in 3 hours.

Dixie: (sits up) w-what??

Heidi: im sorry dix, but we have to leave in the next hour to drop Char, Nai and Noah off at the airport..

Dixie: mom, please can I go back to LA with Noah? (frowns)

Heidi: (walks over to dixie and sits on the bed) im sorry baby but if I let you go back your father will do what he did before.

Dixie: (looks down) I really just want to be with him for tomorrow, he has a huge game and im going to miss it, he even said that I was his comfort person, the person who got him through his games and now he will probably go find someone better who lives in LA, who can comfort him at his games.

Noah: (wraps his arm around her waist) babe, I'm not going to find anyone better, your already the best!

Dixie: (looks at Noah) really?

Noah: baby, look at me in the eyes.

Dixie: okay..

(They lock eyes)

Noah: I love you okay?

Dixie: okay. (smiles)

Noah: I'm not gonna leave you for anyone.

Dixie: (lays her head onto Noah's chest) I love you!

Noah: I love you too baby! but I do need to get ready for going back to LA.

Dixie: (frowns) I know, but I don't want you to leave.

Noah: I don't want to leave either bub, but I have a game tomorrow and I need to play.

Dixie: (frowns) I know buba, I wish I could have be there to watch you.

Noah: me too babe!

Heidi: (stands up) I'll leave you to get changed, we leave in 30 minutes.

Noah: thank you, Mrs D'Amelio!

Heidi: your welcome, Noah.

(Heidi leaves)

Noah: I'm gonna hop in the shower, babe.

Dixie: can I come please, since it will be probably our last for another few months? (does puppy dog eyes)

Noah: (kisses her nose) ofc you can, babe.

Dixie: (smiles) LETS GOOO!!!

Noah: (laughs) alright!

(They both get in the shower before getting Changed)

Dixie's outfit:

Dixie's outfit:

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