Chapter 25

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Noah: You know how we have to be out this dorm in a month?

Dixie: yeah?

Noah: I was wondering if you maybe wanted to try find a house together? Since we have Coco and Baby beck on the way.

Dixie: (smiles) BABE, ID LOVE TO!!!

Noah: (stands up and hugs her) I love you buba!

Dixie: (giggles) I love you more!!

Noah: impossible! Because I love you the most!

Dixie: fine, you win!

Noah: (kisses her) good!

Dixie: can we tell coco now?

Noah: if you want to.

Dixie: yeah!!


Clove: (walks downstairs) Yes daddy?

Noah: can we speak to you?

Clove: ofc!

(Clove walks over to Noah and Dixie)

Dixie: me and Noah have a couple questions to ask you.

Clove: okay..

Noah: do you like living with me and mommy?

Clove: yeah! Ofc I do!

Dixie: would you mind if we moved into a bigger house, just the 3 of us until your baby brother or sister comes?

Clove: would aunt Addi and uncle Bryce still be living with us?

Noah: Addi and Bryce would get their own house.

Clove: I want aunt Addi, Uncle Bryce, aunt Amelie, uncle Blakey, aunt charli and aunt nai to live with us.

Dixie: (puts her hand on clove's cheek) I know baby, but they are going to be starting their own families too and there's not going to be enough rooms for everyone.

Clove: please mommy?

Dixie: (looks at Noah) we will think about it princess.

Clove: (smiles) yay!

Noah: want to watch a movie?

Clove: YESSS!! Can we invite Everyone over?

Dixie: ofc baby!

30 minutes later

Amelie: (walks in) Hey guys!


Amelie: hi bear!

Clove: up please!

Amelie: (picks her up) have you been a good girl for mommy and daddy?

Clove: I think so.

Dixie: she has!

Amelie: good I'm so proud of you! And I brought you candy!

Clove: (smiles) yay!

(Blake walks in)

Clove: uncle Blakey bear!!

Blake: hi Bug!

Clove: (giggles) I want uncle Blakey, to hold me.

Blake: come here then bug!

(Blake takes clove)

Clove: mommy, said I've been good!

Blake: good! You always have to be a good girl for mommy and daddy.

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