Chapter 15

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Dixie: Hi Mom!

Heidi: Hi baby! how are you?

Dixie: I'm good! I love being back in La!

(Heidi facetimes Dixie and she answers)

Heidi: who is that dix?

Dixie: mom...this is clove, her mom left her on the sidewalk and me and noah couldn't leave her there, so we are just treating her to ice cream.

Heidi: That's so nice of you, dix!

Dixie: thanks mom!

Heidi: how old is she?

Dixie: she is 6! (smiles)

Heidi: that's so close to Harli's age.

Dixie: I know!

Heidi: I think you guys should take her to the cops..

Dixie: mom...we can't, she is so cute and I want to take care of her...

Heidi: Dixie you are 17... you are far to young to look after a 6 year old..

Dixie: I know mom, but this cutie has probably been through so much already and I don't want to make it any worse...

Heidi: Dixie, even if you where to take care of her where and who would she live with?

Dixie: I'd bring her home to Connecticut and when I move out here we will live in the dorm and we would my my room to Clove's room, so she would live with me for a month then live with both me and Noah

Heidi: dix...

Dixie: mom. I know it sounds crazy, but this little girl is so cute and I already love her..

Harli: hi Dixie!

Dixie: hey har!

Clove: (peeks her head into the camera view) Dixie, who is that?

Dixie: (picks up Clove and places her on her lap) that is my little sister, Harli.

Clove: H-Hi Harli..

Harli: mommy who is that?

Heidi: that's a little girl that Dix is taking care of..

Harli: hi...

After the call

Noah: babe, should we take clove to the cops?

Dixie: (looks at Noah) what if they put her into care, I can't do that, I really just want to keep her...

(Clove gets on Noah's lap and falls asleep)

Noah: I know baby, but if she gets put into care we could foster her. then go on to adopt her!

Dixie: (smiles) okay fine...but can we take her shopping for a little?

Noah: (kisses Dixie's head) of course babe!

(Doah and Clove go shopping for a couple hours before heading to the cops)

Cop: hey, what can I help you guys with?

Dixie: well uhhh...

(Noah explains what happened)

Cop: oh okay..

Dixie: what will happen to her?

Cop: she will be placed into care, until someone steps forward to foster her.

Dixie: (tear rolls down her face) oh...okay.

Cop: if you would like to follow me to the back, where we have a temporary foster shelter for situations like this.

Noah: okay..

Clove: (wakes up) W-where are we?

Noah: we are at the station...

Clove: (starts crying and reaches for Dixie) please don't let me go...

Dixie: (starts crying) babe! Stop! Please..

Noah: (looks back) baby...

Dixie: she can't go! I really want to foster her!

Noah: I know baby but you aren't 18 yet so it's not legal.

(Noah places clove in the room then walks out with the cop while Dixie is crying historically)

Dixie: Noooo! I can't let her go!

Noah: (kisses her head) baby, you need to be calm, as you leave tomorrow.

Dixie: I can take her with me!

Cop: that's not legal ma'am.

Dixie: p-please...

Cop: I'm sorry ma'am, but you are too young!

(Doah leave and head back to the dorm, Dixie crying all the way back)

Addi: (runs over to dixie) dix what's up?

Dixie: S-she I-is.

Addi: who is she?

Dixie: C-clove..

Addi: Dix? who is Clove?

(Noah walks in)

Addi: Noah who is Clove?

Noah: she is a little girl me and dix found on the street, when we went on our walk and we took care of her for the day.

Addi: but why is dix crying?

Noah: the little girls mom screamed at her then left her on the street, and when we went and turned the little one into the cops we asked what would happen to her and they told us she would go into care until someone stepped forward to foster her-

Addi: and dix wanted to foster her?

Noah: yup.

Addi: why didnt you?

Noah: me and dix are to young..

Addi: oh..

Dixie: (still crying) I-I r-really want t-to foster her!

Addi: I know you do dix!

Noah: how about we go upstairs and watch a movie for a while?

Dixie: (nods sadly) o-okay..

(Doah head upstairs to Noah's room and put on a movie to watch for the night)


Authors note:
sorry about this sad chapter hehe..
I love you all!!
Please don't hate me for this chapter!
WC: 807

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