Chapter 24

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Dixie: (calls Heidi) Hi mom!

Heidi: hi dix!

Dixie: would you like to take Harli and Coco to the park, because Noah and I need to speak to you before you go back to Connecticut.

Heidi: I'd love too dix!

Dixie: okay, bye mom love you!

Heidi: love you too dix!

(They end the call)

Dixie: (yells) Coco!

Clove: (walks in) Yes mommy?

Dixie: would you like to go to the park?

Clove: (smiles) Yes please!

Dixie: alright, but first mommy wants cuddles!!

Clove: (runs over and gets on the bed) Cuddles, with mommy and daddy are the best!

Dixie: (giggles) Coco's cuddles, are the best!

Clove: (kisses Dixie's stomach) morning baby!

Dixie: (watches in awe) you are gonna be an amazing big sister!

Clove: (smiles) I'm gonna be a good big sister!

Noah: (smiles) yeah you are!

At the park

Clove: Mommy, can I go on the swings?

Dixie: get daddy to take you so you don't get hurt!

Clove: okay!!

(Clove goes to Noah and pulls him over to the swings)

Clove: Daddy, push me please!

Noah: (pushes clove) alright, tell me if I go to high because I don't want to scare you.

Clove: okay!

(Noah pushes clove on the swing for 5 minutes before Heidi and Harli arrive)

Heidi: Hey dix!

Dixie: hi mom! Hi Harli!

Harli: Hi dix!

Dixie: Noah and Coco are at the swings.

Harli: okay!

(Harli runs off)

Heidi: (sits on a bench) what's it like being a sorta mother figure to Clove?

Dixie: it's amazing! She is such a sweet and caring little girl, I really love her.

Heidi: she seems sweet, but are you and Noah thinking of having your own?

Dixie: yeah, ofc we are!

Heidi: woohoo!

Dixie: (giggles) I need to go get Noah, I'll be back.

Heidi: okay!

(Dixie goes over to Noah)

Dixie: babe, we need to tell my mom now.

Noah: okay! I'll be right over.

Dixie: okay!

(Dixie goes back to heidi and Noah takes the 2 younger girls out the swings before going over to Dixie and Heidi)

Noah: hey, Mrs D!

Heidi: hi Noah!

Dixie: so uh mom, me and Noah have some amazing news!

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