Chapter 18

807 18 7

3 days later

Harli: (runs in) NOAH! PICKLES! WAKE UP!!

Dixie: (yells) GET THE FUCK OUT RAT!

Noah: (wakes up) BUB! Stop! That's mean!

Dixie: (pouts) I don't care she is one...

Noah: Dixie!

Dixie: I'm sorry...

Noah: if you keep going on like this, you won't get cuddles or kisses all day!

Dixie: okay, okay, I'll stop! Because I can't live without kisses from my baby!

Noah: (kisses her head) be nice then!

Dixie: I will!

Harli: okay! Stop! Anyways yall are taking me to school!! Because mommy and daddy have to go do something, they will be back before it's time for you to leave for LA

Dixie: fine..

Noah: Harli how about you go get changed for school..

Harli: okay!

(Harli runs through to her room)

Noah: looks like we got the school run..

Dixie: (sighs) yeah..

Noah: well I guess we better get up..

Dixie: fine...

(They both get up and change into shorts and a t-shirt before heading downstairs into the kitchen)


Harli: (runs down the stairs) Yes!

Dixie: good! Now hurry and come eat your breakfast so we can drop you off at school!

Harli: okay!

(Harli runs into the kitchen and starts eating her breakfast)

Noah: (grabs Harli's bag) I'm gonna go put this in the trunk!

Dixie: okay!!

(Noah heads out to the car and puts Harli's school bag into the trunk before he hears small footsteps behind him)

Noah: (turns around) Harli, why aren't you eating?

Harli: I don't want to and Dixie is peeing with the door open!

Noah: (chuckles) Harli go eat please!

Harli: fine...

(Harli runs back inside with Noah behind her)

Noah: bub, are you ready?

Dixie: (walks out the bathroom) yeah!

Harli: (finishes her breakfast) I'm ready!

Noah: go get your shoes on then!

Harli: (smiles) okay Noah!

(Harli runs away)

Dixie: you are such a big help!

Noah: I'm just trying to make it easier for you!

Dixie: thank you!

At Harli's school

Harli: can Noah take me in?

Noah: ofc I can!

Dixie: okay! But I'm still coming..

Harli: (sighs) fine...

(They get out the car and grab Harli's school bag before heading onto the school grounds)

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