[ Tenya Iida x Short Reader ]

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[ Y/n POV ]

Today in class, Mr. Aizawa told us that we have to help a class with a play because their play is going to start in three days. We started heading to their classroom to pick up their decorations and other stuff for the play. The classroom had a lot of stuff around there. I had a hard time carrying the costumes in the box.

"Do you need any help, y/n?" I turned around to see Iida, our class president standing behind me. I feel my face turning red because he is very tall.

"Y-Yes, this feels very heavy." I said and felt my legs shaking a little bit. Iida lifted some of the costumes from the box and I smiled. "Thank you, Iida." I said and he smiled back at me. "Your welcome." He said with a chopping motion and laughed to myself.

We started to head to the class that we are helping. They were setting up the stage and some of them were practicing some lines. We put the decorations and other stuff on the ground next to the stage. The teacher said they appreciated us for helping them with the stuff.

The next day, we came back to help them with decorations and other stuff. Me and Iida were on duty for painting the backgrounds. To be honest, Iida was good at painting in the lines because he has a strong hand. But I had a hard time staying in the lines.

"Hey Iida, do you know how to stay in the lines?" He looked at me and then moved to me. "This is how I stay in the line..." He started to explain how he does it. While he was explaining, I could help but stare at him a little bit. His cute blue eyes, navy blue straight hair, and his glasses made me blush for a few seconds.

[ Tenya Iida's POV ]

On the day of the play, me and y/n helped set up the backgrounds and props in the backstage. While I was lifting one of the backgrounds to put on the walk, I see y/n having a hard time keeping the background balancing the background they are carrying right now.

I came up to y/n to help them. "Hey Iida can you help me balance this?" They said with a big smile on their face.

Their gorgeous e/c (eye color) eyes, soft h/l (hair length) h/c (hair color), and smile makes my heart beat faster than usual. "Earth to Iida!" I look down to y/n taping on my left shoulder. "S-Sorry, I spaced a bit." I said and rubbed the back of my neck. "Can you help me carry that background over there?" y/n points to the background that they tried to carry.

"O-Of course." I started to lift the background in the front while y/n was holding the other front. We put the background next to the other background on the wall. "Thank you Iida for helping me." They said with a nice smile. "Your welcome, my fellow classmate." I said doing a chopping motion.

"Class 1-A, please come to the stage!" One of the students told us and we started walking to the front stage. Their teacher told us that we did a good job. We all said your welcome to the teacher. We headed back to our classroom to continue our work.

"Class dismissed." Mr. Aizawa then said to exit the class. Everyone started to pack up and leave but I stayed to clean up some trash. "Do you need help, Iida?" I look up to see y/n with their backpack. "Y-Yes." Y/n started to pick up some trash from the ground.

"Thank you for helping me." I said doing a chopping motion. "No problem, see you next week." They waved and also opened the door but I took arm to stop them from going.

"Do you need something?" They said with a curious look. My heart was beating fast like I was running.

"W-Would you like to go to a cafe with me tomorrow at 1 PM?" I said nervously. I see y/n's face turn really red. "Y-Yes, I would like to go." I let go of their hand. "S-See you tomorrow." I said doing a chopping motion. "Y-Yeah, s-see you tomorrow." They said and had a smirk.

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