[ Tenya Iida x Shy Reader ]

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[ Y/n's POV ]

Ringing Ringing Ringing . . . .

I woke up by the alarm, I checked what time it was. "O-Oh no! I'm g-going to b-be late!" I got up quickly to get ready for school so that I wouldn't be late. I brush my teeth, put on my uniform, and check if I have everything I need for school. I went downstairs to see my mom finishing my bento.

"Here's your lunch, don't be late." My mom said with a smile. "O-Okay, mom." I said grabbing my bento and putting it in my backpack. I quickly put on my shoes then open and close the door. I started to run as fast as I could to the station before the trains left. Luckly, I made it in time and after a minute, the train's doors started to close.

When the train's doors open to the station I usually get off, I quickly get off the train and run to U.A. I arrived at the gates of U.A to take in some air before running again. I arrived at my classroom with two minutes to spare, I opened the door so fast that everyone in the classroom looked at me.

"Y/l (last name), you were almost late!" Iida, our class president did some chopping motions. "I-I'm so s-sorry, I-Ida!" I said nervously and took some air in because I was running. I felt so sweaty and my legs were shaking a little bit because a lot of my classmates were staring at me. I walked to my seat next to the window and Iida. Mr. Aizawa came in and started to teach the class.

Mr. Aizawa told us to change our training uniforms. I got changed to my training uniform and head outside where some of my classmates were. "Why were you late, y/l?" I jumped a little bit and saw Iida with a concerned face. What should I say, I don't want to say I stayed up watching anime but I should be honest. Iida is my friend after all and he sometimes worries about me.

"I-I s-stayed up watching a-anime." I said looking down because I didn't want to make eye contact with Iida. I have a crush on him and I don't want him to see my red face. "Sleep is important for your health and I don't want you to be sleepy when you get to class." Iida said while doing a chopping motion. "O-Okay, I-I will, s-sorry." Iida patted my head. "It's alright, I just want you okay."

After all of our classes were done, me and Iida walked to the gates together. I took out an envelope with Iida's name on it. I wrote my confession in the letter because I don't know how to tell him my feelings out loud. "H-Here, I g-got to go." I said then I started to walk away but then felt hand on shoulder.

I turned around to Iida, still holding the envelope I gave him. Tears started to form from my eyes, I couldn't hold in. I was afraid of getting rejected from Iida. I looked down and my tears started to hit the floor. I didn't want Iida to see my tears. Then I felt two hands pull me to a hug.

[ Tenya Iida's POV ]

"Iida?" Y/n said then I let go of y/n. "I-I like you too . . . y/n." I said then smiled at y/n. My heart felt like it was going to explode. I feel so happy that y/n likes me. "R-Really?" y/n said getting rid of the tears under their eyes. I put my hands on their face and get rid of their tears. "Of course, I do! That's why I-I have been so protective of you because I don't want anything bad happening to you."

Their eyes started to sprinkle with relief. They hugged me really tight like they didn't want the hug end. "A-Are we dating n-now?" They said and looked up to me. "Yes." I kissed them on the lips and they kissed back. We looked at each other and our faces were so red that I felt it. "C-Can you walk w-with me to m-my home?" They held my hand. "Sure!" We started to walk and held each other's hand.

 "Sure!" We started to walk and held each other's hand

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[ 741 words ]

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