[ Yandere Tenya Iida x Stalker Reader ]

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Warning: Blood and Stalking

[ Y/n's POV ]

Ringing . . .

I quickly got my phone to turn off my alarm, I smiled at a picture of Iida sleep on my home screen. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I get up to put on my uniform and brush my teeth. I went downstairs to see my dad taking pictures of my mom while she was sleeping. "Good morning, my little stalker." my dad whispered to me. "Good morning dad. Did you buy some USB flash drives yet?" He looks down in embarrassment and sadness. Then he looks up at me with puppy eyes.

"Fine, I will buy some after school." I head to the kitchen to eat a piece of toast for breakfast. I checked my backpack if I have everything I need including money for the USB flash drives and put on my shoes. "See you later, Dad." I whispered loudly at dad then I closed the door and locked it.

I started heading to U.A then I saw Iida, my crush, in front of me so I took a quick photo of him. "Hey Iida!" Iida turns around and smiles at me. I wish I could have taken a picture of it and hang it up just like my other photos of him but I don't want to look weird. "Oh hello y/n. Good Morning." We walked together to school and talked about our assignments until we entered our classroom.

[ Tenya Iida's POV ]

I took a seat at my desk next to y/n as usual. I heard a door open loudly and it was Bakugo who always had a bad mood. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT, WEIRDO!" I look at y/n and see them look away with embarrassment. They always look cute when they get embarrassed. Bakugo took a seat behind and put his feet on the desk. I got up to tell him that he should get his feet then I heard chuckling behind it was y/n. My heart bumped really fast, but I continue to yell at Bakugo.

After Mr. Aizawa dismissed the class, I started to write down plains of killing Bakugo because of how rude he always was with y/n including hurting them. "What are you writing about?" I closed my notebook quickly and saw y/n with their backpack. "I'm just writing down my schedule for tomorrow." Y/n smiled like an angel and patted my head. "That's really smart. Well I will see you tomorrow because I have cleaning duty." Y/n started to walk, waved at me, and closed the door. I want them all to myself.

[ Y/n's POV ]

Oh man, I didn't get to take a picture of him today. I wish I could hack into the school's cameras so I can take a screenshot of him but they might find out. I go to the closet where the cleaning supplies are at and bring them to the classroom to see that Iida left.

After I was done cleaning the classroom, I started to walk to the store where they had USB flash drives. I got out of the store and put the flash drives into my backpack. While I was walking by an alley, I heard someone struggling. I started to walk slowly into the ally and pull out my dragger just in case. I hid behind the dumpster and saw Bakugo get stabbed into the heart.

I heard lightning then it started to rain on the dead body of Bakugo and a dark figure had the knife with blood on it including his gloves. The dark figure started walking towards me and under that hood was Iida. I checked what time it was and It was 6:07 that is usually when police check the alleyways. I have to warn Iida, even if it gets me killed but I really like him so I don't mind.

I get up from my hiding spot and head towards Iida with a body in his hands. Iida's eyes went wide when he saw me with my uniform on. "Iida, you have to hide the body before the cops come into this ally." Iida puts the body to the dumpster then gives me a hug. "I want you all to myself." my face started to turn red and my heart was beating fast. I hug him back. "Me too. If you don't mind, can we go on a date tomorrow?" He gave me a smile. "Of course but we better get going before the police come." I took his gloves off and put it in my bag.

"Is it alright if I stalk you all the time? Because that's how much I love you." I felt his hand tighten when I said that. I got scared that he wasn't going to accept me. "You stalked me?" "Yeah, for five months and three days. Anyone who stalked you, I killed them by depression. And if you kill anyone, tell me so that I can get rid of the blood for good." Iida looks at me with a confused look.

"How do you know how to do that?" I was kinda nervous to tell him but he is like my mom. "My mom taught me because she sometimes kills women who try to flirt with dad." Iida started to laugh and I started to laugh too. "She's kinda like me when it comes to killing people." "Yeah." We headed out the alleyway before the cops came. That's how we started dating.


[ No one's POV ]

Iida hears a click and wakes up to see y/n taking a picture of him. "My stalker, why didn't you wake me up? You could have taken better photos of me." He patted them on the head. "You look handsome either way even if you were taking a shower-" They stopped talking and their face turned red including Iida's face.

"Wait what?" They get up quickly but Iida grabs them by the arm and pushes them into their bed. He holds them down. "You don't have to be ashamed of it." He smirks then y/n looks aways of embarrassment. "You looked hot and I couldn't hold myself back." He kissed them in the lips and they kissed back. "Can you show them to me?" Y/n's face becomes more red. "S-S-S-Sure."

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