[ Detective Tenya Iida x Mystery Novelist Y/n ] Part 3

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[ Y/n's POV ]

"You guys can sit right there," Tomoko said, pointing at a gray couch. We walked towards the couch and we sat down. "Do you guys want something to drink?" We shook our heads, she slowly sat on the couch across from us. "S-So, why are you guys h-here for?" It's pretty obvious she knows why we are here. "Why did you lie to the police?" Iida said in a serious voice. She shook a little bit, her eyes widened for a second but came normal. "I-" before she could say anything else, Iida interpreted her. "And don't try to lie about it because this person right here will know if you are." Iida points to me, causing me to give her an awkward smile.

With my quirk, not only can I analyze a room and find things that people can't see easily. But I can also analyze a person's expressions and body language to know if they are bad or good, if they are telling the truth or a lie. Iida takes out his little notepad to write some notes."I..yes I did lie to the police b-but I had a reason for this. T-The truth is that....she had a little fight with Uzami Kaze..before his death," she said, looking guilty it seems that she is telling the truth. "Do you know what they were fighting?" He said, writing down some notes on his notepad.

"To be honest, I couldn't understand a lot of what they were since there were a lot of people talking at the same time. But they were talking...something about...Narumi knowing something about..Kaze's past." Iida continues to write down more notes, while I use my quirk, analysis to see if Tomoko is lying when she is talking. So far she wasn't lying but I think there is something else she hasn't told us...yet.

After we were done investigating her, we headed to Iida's car. "Hey, Iida," I said, closing the door. "Yeah?" Iida said, closing the door at the same time as me. "Can I pleaseeee borrow your notes as a reference for my book?" I said, giving him puppy eyes. There was silence for a second until he broke the silence. "No, you can't," he brought his notebook closer to his chest. "Oh come on! Just for one day, pleaseee?" I said slowly getting closer to Iida to get his notes. Iida starts to turn his body away from me. "It's still a no, y/n," Iida said, starting to hold his notebook tighter to his chest and doing his hand chopping motion. At that moment, I realized how close I was to him, causing my heart to skip a heartbeat. Iida's face close up....he looks so...handsome. N-No, y/n snap out of it. "Okay, f-fine," I said, going back to my original position. At the same time, I thought I saw Iida's face turn....a little bit....red.

"Well..um..I have a nice night, Iida. Thanks for cooking the food for me," I said, giving him a small bow. "Y-Yes, have a nice night too, y/n!" Iida said bowing in a perfect 45 degree then walks away quickly. I closed the door and locked it. Man, I'm so tired. I think it's because I used my quirk more than I had before. Before I went to bed, I did my daily night routine. I think I'm half done with my novel before the deadline. I should go to bed now.


"Just....five..minutes," I rolled over to the other side of my bed. I still kept hearing the doorbell then my phone started to ring. I shouldn't have stayed up late..again. I looked at my phone, seeing Iida's name. "Hello," I said in a sleepy voice, still feeling comfortable under my sheets. "Sorry for waking you up early, but can you open the door?" Iida said, I got up from my bed feeling cold since it was autumn. I opened to see Iida with the same coat but different clothing. "Hey..um..come in," I said then Iida entered my apartment. "So, why are you here so early?" I said, Iida looked kinda sad about something. We sat down on the same couch.

"What..happened?" Iida took a breath of air, it seems like he woke earlier than I did. "Remember, Narumi's friend, Tomoko, that we talked to three days ago." I nodded since I didn't feel like talking much. "She..died this morning, the same way..Kaze did." I felt my heart drop from this shocking news. Who could have done this?! Is that why I felt like Tomoko was hiding something because someone threatened her? She was also one of my fans of my books. I started to feel tears slowly coming down my face, I tried to wipe my tears away but it won't stop. I felt a warm hand on my arm, a side hug was formed. "Don't worry...I'm here," Iida whispered to me. It was rare to see Iida cry but we were both crying.

Hours later, we went to the scene of the crime to see if there was anything missing in her house. I put on my gloves so that I won't ruin the evidence. I didn't need to use a lot of my quirk since I observed closely in the living room including her bookshelf. While I was looking about if there was something missing, I noticed that there was a journal on a small dining table. But I looked into it and I asked the people who are collecting evidence, one of the people said it was fine but I had to be careful with it. I started to read it then I started to quickly realize that this was a diary. The last page of Tomoko's diary was:

Dear Diary,

After the detective and the person left, I started to regret not telling them that someone's been following me lately. I think I know who it is but I'm not sure if it's them. Today, I got a reserve a text from today, they wanted to tell me something important and asked if it was okay for them to meet me at my apartment. I said sure but somehow I'm having a bad feeling about this. I have been anxious since I saw something that wasn't meant to be seen. But just in case if something happens to me, the murder is . But maybe it's nothing. Oh the doorbell rang, I have to go! ^-^

The murder must have discovered that she wrote their name in her diary so they got rid of their name. I need to tell Iida about this!

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