[ Tenya Iida x Gamer Reader ]

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[ Quirk- Gamer's Glitch: You can do anything that a video game character does. You spawn weapons, power, and combat combos. But if you spawn too many weapons, the weapons will stop respawning. Also you will glitch a lot like lagging and it hurts you. ]

[ Y/n's POV ]

After I arrived to U.A, I started to walk to my classroom, Class 1-A. I opened the door to Iida writing something on his notes and flipping through pages of a book. "Hey Iida." I said then took off my headphones. "Hello y/l, good morning." Iida said then went back to what he was doing.

I walked to my seat that was next to Iida. I took out my switch and started to play Hero Fighters to memorize their combat moves. While I was doing a match against an online player, I felt a tap on my shoulders. I turned around to see Iida, I felt my face heating up like a tablet when you play it too long. "Are you okay, y/l?" Iida said with a concerned face and a chopping motion.

"Y-Yes, you just startled me. What is it?" I said with a nervous face. "Class is starting soon." I looked at the clock and realized that class will start in two minutes. "Thanks, Iida" I said and gave him a smile. "Your welcome." Iida went back to seat and started to tell everyone to get their seats. I looked back at my game and I lost the match. I was mad but I put my switch back in my backpack.

Mr. Aizawa walks in with his yellow sleeping bag. "Today, you guys will be training your quirks until you can't use it anymore." He gives us a creepy smile. That smile gives me chills behind my back. We got up to head to the locker rooms to change.

After we put our P.E clothes on, we headed to the facility that we will be training. Mr. Aizawa explained that we will train by going against robots that Mei created that was unsuccessful. I hope I don't glitch out while training because it hurts. We started to walk to the area where the robots are.

Mr. Aizawa told us that if the robots are active then we can start fighting them. The robots come to life and start coming after us. There are about sixty-five robots that are coming after us. Bakugo, as usual, explodes everything that gets in his way. I used my quirk, Gamer's Glitch to spawn some daggers so it can be easy for me to run and slice the robots. But the robot's skin is harder than they look. It took me a lot of force to slice one robot.

After destroying eight robots, my body starts to glitch a little bit and it hurts. But I continued to fight until my body was glitching out of control. Before I even get to defeat one of the robots, I blackout.

[ Tenya Iida's POV ]

When I defeated one of the robots, I looked to my right and saw y/n on the ground glitching a lot. I ran to them and carried them to a safe area. They look like they are in pain so I told Mr. Aizawa that they need to go to the nurse's office. Then I went back to battle. I hope they will be alright. My face felt hot when I thought about them.

[ Y/n's POV ]

I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm in the nurse's office. I look at my hands and see that they were not glitching anymore including the rest of the body. "Are you okay now?" I look to the right to see Recovery Girl typing something on the computer. "Yes ma'am, I'm feeling better now." She stops typing and looks at me. "You can go back to your class."

Recovery Girl gave me my uniform and said that one of my classmates brought them for me. I went to the bathroom to change into my uniform and went back to class with a nurse's pass. After our third period was over, we went to the cafeteria to eat at the lunch tables. My bento had f/f (favorite food) with f/v (favorite vegetables) in it. It was delicious. "Does anyone have any plans today?" Uraraka says taking a seat between Midoriya and Iida.

"No, I'm just going to play video games as usual." I said then continue eating my lunch. "I-I'm just going to watch m-my favorite show." Midoriya said while writing down something in his All Might notebook. "I'm going to study for our Math test next week." Iida said, lifting up his glasses and doing a chopping motion. "If you guys are not that busy, would you like to go to the arcade with me since it's Friday?"

When she said that, I was so excited because I hadn't gotten a chance to go for two months. "I will go with you!" I said with an exciting tone. Uraraka had a smile on her face. "I w-will go too." Midoriya said shyly. "What about you, Iida?" I said to Iida with a smile.

[ Tenya Iida's POV ]

Their smile look so gorgeous that my heart can't stop beating fast. "S-Sure." I said finishing up my food from my bento. "Good, lets meet at the Fun's Arcade at 6:00 after school!" Uraraka said with a happy voice. I looked at y/n and saw them excited for the arcade. To be honest, I hadn't played video games since elementary school.

After school, I headed back home to do some studying before it was time to go to the arcade. When I got home, I saw my brother playing a video game on the tv. "Hey little bro, how was school!" he said and smiled at me. "It was good. My friends and I are going to an arcade later." I said and lifted my glasses. I blushed a little because I thought of y/n.

"Oooh, looks like someone has a crush." Tensei had a smirk on his face. I looked down at my feet and I felt nervous. "Y-Yes." I see him pushing his wheelchair to me. "You should confess to them before they get taken, okay." He said with his puppy eyes. "O-Okay, Tensei. I will try." He gave me a smile and continued to play with his game.

When it was 5:30, I put on my casual clothes, and put my stuff into my backpack. I said bye to my parents and brother before I leave. I started to walk to the station to get on the train. The train was not super crowded like usual.

When I got to the arcade, I checked my phone, and it was 5:48. I decided to look around this arcade because I haven't been here before. While I was looking at different arcade games, I saw y/n playing a race car, and won first place. "Hey y/n!"

[ Y/n's POV ]

Yes I got first place on this game. "Hey y/n!" I glitched a little bit then I looked behind to see Iida waving. I feel my face heating up. "Are you okay?" Iida said in a concerned voice. "Y-Yeah, I was just so happy that I got first place in the race." I smiled and for a second I thought his face turned red.

"Do you play games?" I asked him. "I used to play a lot of games but I stopped when I went to middle school." I was surprised that he used to play video games. "Do you still know how to play them?" Iida thinks about it for a second. "Unfortunately, I don't remember how to play games." I was shocked that he doesn't remember how to play.

"Do you want me to teach how to play a fighting game?" Iida again was thinking and his face was a little red. "Y-Yes, I would like that." I took Iida's hand and I showed him a fighting game called Hero Fighters but an arcade version. I looked over to Iida and he looked kinda nervous. I took out some tokens out of my pocket and put it in. "Okay so you push this button to start playing." Iida pushes the button and it goes to the character section.

I explained to him what buttons to use for combat, blocking, and power up. He seems to be having fun and I'm glad. His smile always made my day better. "This is why I like you." I whispered to myself. I heard him stop tapping on the buttons then I looked up at him. His face was red, including mines. "Y-You like me?" I breathe inside then outside.

"Yes, I really like you Iida. Every time I feel sad you were there to cheer me up, and-" I feel something warm on my lips and it was Iida kissing. And I kissed back then Iida said, "I like you too." He smiled and my face was so red. We hear a click and we turn right to Midoriya and Uraraka smiling with their phones out. [ Y/n ex. has stopped working ] "Hey y/n, are you okay?" he said, shaking me. And that's how we started dating.

 And that's how we started dating

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[ 1565 words ]

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