[ Tenya Iida x Sleep Deprived Reader ]

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[ Trigger Warning ]

[ Y/n's POV ]

"Y/n, wake up." I felt someone shaking me, I woke up to see Mina. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "Thanks, Mina." I said sketching out my arms and legs. I hear the door open to see Mr. Aizawa with his sleeping bag and papers in his hands. In the middle of class, I started to feel sleepy while we were training. While I was training with my quirk, I closed my eyes then I started to fall.

Luckly, Mr. Aizawa used his scarf to catch me before hitting the ground. "Y/l, if you are that tired then you can borrow my extra sleeping." I thought about it for a second and decided it would be for the best. "Yes..please." I said with a sleepy voice. Mr. Aizawa got a paper from his pocket and wrote something on it. "Give this to Present Mic and he will give you my extra sleeping bag. But you leave, Iida will walk with you just in case."

He calls Iida that were running around the track. I could feel my face heating up a little bit when I saw Iida coming towards us. "Iida, can you walk y/n to the office?" Iida nodded and we started heading to the office. While we were walking, we started to talk about different things so that I could stay awake. "Thank you, Iida." I said putting a small smile on my face.

"You're welcome, I hope you get some sleep." Iida said doing a chopping motion then exited the office. I gave Present Mic the note that Mr. Aizawa gave me and then he gave me a blue sleeping bag. I went to a room next door that nobody used and went into the sleeping bag. For a second I thought I was going to sleep but I didn't dream until 20 minutes of being in the sleeping bag, I fell asleep.

[ The Dream ]

"Run!" Everyone started to run away from a villain including me and Iida. "You can't outrun me." The villain said with a creepy smile on his face. I kept running as fast as I could and I was scared that they were going to catch me. I turned around to see that my classmates including Iida were gone.

Everything was dark, I was running alone with tears going down my face. All of the sudden, I tripped on something that felt big. "What is th-'' my eyes widened and it was the body of Iida. "Iida?" There was no response coming from Iida. I started to shake him but he still didn't reponsed. I started to panic and cry. "IIDA!!" I said with a worried and scared voice. "It was your fault, y/n. If it weren't for you, Iida would have been alive." I turned around to see the villain that was smiling at me.

[ End of Dream ]

"...Y/n, wake up." I came back to reality to see Iida close to my face that made me blush. "Are you okay? It looked like you were crying." He said using his thumb to get rid of tears. I wanted to stop crying but I couldn't somehow. "I h-had a...nightmare." I said with a shaky voice. Iida's face looked worried then he sat next to me. "Do you want to talk about it?" I looked into his eyes and all I saw was his ocean blue eyes.

"...Yes." I started to explain what happened in the dream including what happened to Iida. I started crying again, my face felt so hot that I thought I was having a fever. Suddenly, I feel two heavy arms around me, holding me tight. "Don't worry, I'm here." Iida whispered in my ears, I slowly hugged him back. "I....like you, Iida." I finally confess my feelings to Iida after all this time. His arms around me started to loosen up and he looked at me with a smile on his face. "I like you too." His face was slowly coming to my face, I closed my eyes. I felt Iida's warm lips on mine and I kissed him back.

We separate our lips from each other. "I-I'm so s-sorry!" He started doing his chopping motion and his face was super red. "N-No, its f-fine." My face felt so hot. "B-Besides, you are my boyfriend now~." I took his hand and gave him a smile. "And you are my partner too." We started to laugh and then yawned. "Sorry, I still feel...sleepy." I feel Iida's hand around my right side. "You sleep on my shoulders." I started slowly falling asleep with a smile on my face.

Extra: Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic were secretly watching them. "Remember our bet." Mr. Aizawa said with a creepy smile on his face. Mic pouted then took out 30 bucks from his pocket and gave it to Aizawa. "I told you they will confess to Iida." Mr. Aizawa said and Present Mic was still pouting. Then Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic went back into the office to continue on their work.

 Aizawa and Present Mic went back into the office to continue on their work

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[  843 words  ]

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