[ Tenya Iida x Android Reader ]

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[ Tenya Iida's POV ]

After school ended for the day, I started to head to the hospital to visit my big brother, Tensei. I entered the hospital and took the elaventer to his floor. I knock on the door three times. "Come in!" I opened the door to see Tensei and a person that I had never seen before. They have h/l h/c, s/c, and have a U.A uniform on. "Not to be rude but who is this?"

"Oh yeah, this is y/n y/l, she was the one who saved me. And y/n this is my bro, Tenya." I looked at them with a smile and they smiled back at me. They were about to get up. "Oh y/n, don't forget to unplug the charger from the back of your neck." They took the charger out of their back of the neck. They started to walk towards and stick out their hand.

"Nice to meet you, Tenya." I look into their e/c eyes to see a camera in their eyes. "Nice to meet you too, y/n." After talking for a while, y/n says that they have to go back home. "Tenya, can you walk them?" "Sure." We started to walk out of Tensei's room and closed the door behind us.

[ Y/n's POV ]

After we got out of the hospital, Iida asked me a question. "Are you human?" What should I say? I don't want him to be confused. "Well, I'm human-ish. I used to have a normal human body until I got into a horrible accident when I was nine years old. My human body was having trouble staying alive. So doctors gave my parents an option to put my body in an android that looks like me so that I can survive. Since that day, my body has grown like a normal human body and I have a quirk called Inventor Tech."

"My apologies if I made you uncomfortable about answering my question!" He did a chopping motion and bowed perfectly 90 degrees. "N-No, It's alright. And here's my phone number." What's up with him. He dropped me off at my home, I waved bye to him, and closed my door. "Who was that?" I heard a voice in the kitchen and it was my mom. "That was Tensei's little brother, Tenya."

My mom gives me a smirk and continues making dinner. I go upstairs to finish up my homework. "Y/n, your dinner's ready!" I finished the last problem of my homework. "Okay mom, I'm coming!" I went downstairs to sit down at the dining table. Even though I'm an Android, the food I eat can help me last half the day without charging. In my body, there is a machine that helps turn normal food into energy when I eat.

The next day, I took off my charger from my neck and did my morning routine. I packed my sketchbook and my other stuff into my backpack. "Bye s/n (sibling name), bye mom!" "See you later!" They both said before I closed the front door and headed to U.A. I saw Iida walking in front of me. "Hey, Iida!" Iida turns around and smiles at me. My face suddenly turns very hot like I'm overheating.

"Are you okay?" I went back to reality with Iida's worried face. "Y-Yeah, my body system was overheating for a second." That was a lie, my heart was beating because I think I have a crush on him even though I'm trying to erase it but my waist that tells my real emotions says I'm in love. I checked what time it was and it was almost time for school. "Umm...I will see you later Iida." I started to walk quickly to my classroom and didn't get to hear Iida's response.

[ Tenya Iida's POV ]

After class was dismissed, I joined my friends at one of the lunch tables. Before I sat down on my seat, I saw y/n sleeping with a charger on their neck. "Who are you looking at, Iida~" Uraraka says while her eyebrows go up and down. "I-I just saw someone know." I look away from Uraraka so she doesn't see my red face.

"Somebody has a crush on someone~" Uraraka started to poke my shoulder. "I-I guess." I couldn't hide my red face from my friends and I started to smile when I thought about y/n. But I came back to reality. "What do I do?" I put my cropsticks down and put my hands on my face. "Obviously confess to them before they get taken." Uraraka said while her eyes was filled with excitement.

"I-I agree with U-Uraraka, you should go for it." Midoriya says, giving me a thumbs up. "O-Okay, I will try." I started to eat my lunch again before lunch was over. After I was done eating, I texted y/n to meet me at the gates afterschool. I look over to them and see their face turn red. I hope they are not sick.

After school was done, I headed to the gates to meet y/n looking at their phone. I started to feel nervous about asking them out. I hope Uraeaka's advice on how I can confess my feelings to y/n. I took a sign and started to walk to them. "Hey, y/n!" They looked up at me and smiled. "Hey Iida." Without even thinking I hugged y/n. "Are you alright?" I heard y/n's worried voice, they hugged me back. "I-I really l-like you, y-y/n." I can feel their face heating. "I really like you too, Iida." They whispered in my ears, I can feel my heart beating faster. I turned to loosen the hug then they pulled me into a kiss. I processed to kiss them back.

 I processed to kiss them back

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[ 987 words ]

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