[ Pro Hero Tenya x Pro Hero Reader ]

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[  Warning: Blood  ]

[ Y/n's POV ]


"..Yes," I said, rubbing my eyes and stretching out my body. "I'm sorry for interrupting your sleep. Can you do an extra shift tomorrow if you aren't busy?" I was still half asleep but I can still hear Tensei, Tenya's older brother and boss of the Iida Hero Agency. "...Sure. What..time?" The screen on my phone was still blurry and the light from my phone lit up my bedroom. "At 7:00 A.M." Wait a minute, that's when a new episode of my show comes on but I can watch it later. "..Sure, I will be there," I said, then groaned a little bit. "That's good. Again, my apologies for waking you up."

"Nah, it's fine." I hung up the phone then went back to sleep. The next day, I can hear my alarm clock going off. I didn't want to get up but I would be late for work. I reached for my phone to turn off the alarm but when I checked what time it was. "Oh shoot, I'm going to be late!" I said then fell off my bed. I ran to my bathroom to freshen up my face and brushed my teeth. I put on my clothes quickly then checked if I had anything I needed. I opened my door then locked the door behind me.

When I got to the agency, I checked what time it was. "That's good, it's only 6:34-" Then I heard my stomach growling like a lion, I could feel my face slowly turning red from embarrassment. "You know, breakfast is very important?" I turn around to see Tenya, Tensei's younger brother, and my friend from high school behind me. "Oh, good morning, Iida." Iida nodded and we headed for the agency.

When we entered the agency, I went straight to the cafe to get something to eat before I changed into my suit. The cafe is small but you can smell their dessert and food from far away. "Hello, what would you like today?" The person said while I was looking at their menu. "Can I have a f/f (favorite food) and a f/d (favorite drink), please?" The person puts down my order on the cashier. "Will that be it?" I nodded and pulled off my wallet. "Okay, that will be $12:84." I paid for my stuff then waited until it was ready. I ate my food and drank my drink.

After I was done getting changed into my suit, I headed for Tensei's office to see where my shift will be, so I knocked on the door to hear if Tensei was there. "You can come in!" I opened the door to see Tensei and Tenya, I was surprised to see Tenya. "Oh and I forgot to mention that Iida will join you on your shift." Tensei started to explain where our shift will take place. "You two have fun." Tensei said, making me and Iida blush a little bit.

After we got out of Tensei's office, we started to head to the area where we were assigned to be at. Me and Iida spit up to look if there's anything odd. "Nope, everything's good over here." I said on my walkie talkie while looking around the city. "Same here-," suddenly I heard a big boom sound coming from another area. I started to run to the area but there were a lot of people coming from that area, so it was hard for me to push against the crowd.

When I got there, I saw some of the heroes including Iida fighting the villains. "Please someone help me!" I heard a man's crackly voice, I looked closer to the pieces of the building to see a man trying to lift up a platform from a woman. I ran over there to help the man who was crying. "Don't worry, sir. I can help." I said then lifted up the platform so that the man could slip the woman out of the platform.

"Thank you so much!" The man says, carrying the woman to the nearby first aid station. Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me, I turned around to see a figure with a hood on. They suddenly spawned some knife out of nowhere and threw it towards me. But I used my quirk to dodge them, I ran towards them with speed. I used my quirk to attack them but they also dodged my move.

They spawned a knife in their hand, they tried to cut me close to my face but I quickly took a step back. I used my quirk again to punch them, I sent them flying into the ground. "Ahhh!" I felt a sharp pain from my leg, I turned around to see a figure just like the one I sent flying. They jumped over to see if the other person was alright. I looked down at my leg to see an ice shaped knife through my leg. My leg slowly started bleeding. I looked up to see the two figures at me but stayed on guard.

I started to fight them with all the strength I have. I used my quirk to knock out all of them with extra strength. They both fell down to the hard, cold ground. I looked up to see a lot of normal and ice knives pointing at me. I dodged some of them and used my weapon to hit the knives away from me. After the knives stopped coming for me, I started to feel dizzy from my bleeding. Before I blacked out, I felt someone catch me.


I slowly opened my eyes, I realized quickly that I was in the hospital. I turned to my left to see Iida sleeping on the chair with arm crossed. His posture was less stiff than usual, he kinda reminds me of Tensei a little bit without glasses. I looked closer at Iida's face to see his very messy hair. I stood up from my bed to fix Iida's hair. Before I started to fix his hair, I went to the bathroom to wash myself up and brush my teeth with a toothbrush that the hospital provided, including toothpaste. When I began to fix his hair, his hair felt so smooth like a blanket that just came out of the dryer. After I was done fixing Iida's hair, I was about to put my hand on the bed. But I felt a hand around my wrist, I looked up to see Iida wide awake.

"Why did you stop~?" Iida said with a smirk on face. I felt my face begin to heat up. "I-I j-just I umm-" I couldn't get my words out since I had feelings for Iida for a while. Iida suddenly put his hand on my face. "I knew it." When he said that I was kind of confused at first. "W-What do y-you mean?" Iida's face was almost close to mine. "I always knew you liked me since you were so obvious." I felt embarrassed at the moment.

"D-Do you not l-like me like that?" I said, looking away from his eyes. "Of course, I like you." Iida slowly kisses me on the lips, I slowly close my eyes to kiss him back. It was a passionate kiss that only lasted for seconds. We slowly separated our lips from each other, still looking deep into each other's eyes until we heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" When the door opened, I saw Tensei with food in a bag. We all ate breakfast together and we had a good chat. Me and Iida never took our eyes off of each other's eyes. Even Tensei noticed that too.

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