[ Detective Tenya Iida x Mystery Novelist Y/n ] Part 4

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[ Tenya Iida's POV ]

"Okay, don't forget to report this to Detective Bakugo," I said, giving back the report file to Officer Tsu, who is one of my coworkers and an old classmate of mine. "Yes, Detective Iida..ribbit," she said then started to walk away. Suddenly out of nowhere, I see y/n standing right in front of me. The way they are looking at me, it seems like they found some important evidence. "What did you find, y/n?" They showed me a page in this journal, saying that Tomoko wrote this before she got murdered. Not only that but she did write the murder's name. But the murder discovered it and completely esased it before we ever got here.

"Where did you find this," I said, still looking through the journal just in case there were any more clues to this mystery. "I found it on the small dining table," they said, looking at the small dining table. "Umm...excuse me," a small voice said, we turned toward it to see an officer. "Someone wants to talk to you, Detective," the officer said. We said thank you and started to follow the officer outside.

"This is the person who wants to talk to you," I saw a man who was sitting on the stairs with a dark brown coat, his body facing the sun. "Excuse me, sir?" I said, the man turned his body to look at me. The man looks like he could be in his 40s. I felt a tap on my arm, I turned a little bit to see y/n. "Do you want me to continue looking or do you want me to be with you..while interviewing that man?" y/n said, their faces started to turn a little bit..red. I'm not sure if it's the cold, if they are feeling sick or if it is just me. "I think you should take a break, I can do the interview alone." y/n nodes and then walks away. I walked down a few steps to sit next to the man.

"So, you must be Detective Iida. I'm Memo Takebayashi, it's nice to meet ya," the man says, taking his hand out for a handshake. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Takebayashi." I took his hand and shook it. "The reason why I wanted to talk to ya is because I heard somethin' during the time of the...murder." I took out my small notebook so that I can take notes. "Continue," I said, taking out my pen. "When I was cooking dinner for my family before they got home, I started to hearin' two people yelling at each other. But I can only hear a few words since the walls between us ain't thin. I heard that woman's voice and..a man's voice. Then the voices stopped, then I heard the door open and close loudly. When I checked outside, there wasn't a person in sight. When I woke up today, I went to check on her if she was okay. The door wasn't locked and smelled blood, so I called the police. And that's it"

"Thank you, Mr. Takebayashi for this information." I said, shaking his hands. "No, thank ya. I tried talkin' to the other officers, but they weren't listening to me. So, I'm glad you took yer time to listen to my side." I nodded; I said my goodbyes to him heading to see y/n.

[ Y/n's POV ]

"Thank you, ma'am," I said, closing my small notebook. "Yer welcome. Have a good day," the lady said, walking down the stairs. I turn around to see Iida, Iida starts walking down the stairs. "Oh hey, Iida. I got some clues about the murder might be." I handed my small notebook to Iida, he looked through my notes then patted me on the head. "Good job. Now let's go." He said walking down the flight of stairs. I couldn't help but to preserve the pat he gave. "Okay, I'm going." I said, catching up to him so that I won't be left behind.

-Y/n's Apartment-

"The figure that the woman describe on the night of the murder reminds me of Makoto Nabu. But also, he's big enough to make loud noises if he ran away from the scene. Isn't it..strange. Also how did the knife get to their hands?" I said, sitting down on my couch with a cup of tea. "Yes, it is strange. And what do you do?" I said, Iida was confused when I said that. "Well, her body was found in the middle of her living room and the knife from her kitchen was found next to her. How did the murder get the knife from her kitchen then stab her a short period of time?" Iida was thinking deeply. "To be honest, I don't know. But we should investigate Makoto Nabu next." I nodded in agreement.

Two day later...

Me and Iida was heading for Nabu's house for more clues on who might be the murder. When we got there, we rang the doorbell and waited for him to open the door. "Who is it!" a deep, loud voice said, it shook me up a little bit. "Detective Iida from the Tokyo Police Station and y/n who is helping us with the case! Did you get the call that we were going to be here today?" After Iida said that the door opened. "Come in." When we came into the house, it looked bigger on the inside than the outside. "Sit down over there," Nobu said, pointing to a crouch. We sat down and Nobu pulled a chair to sit on.

"Where were you yesterday at night?" Iida said as I activated my quirk. "I was mostly at home, trying to finish my presentation before the deadline. I also went to pick my meal from a restaurant." Nobu said. But there is something he isn't telling us. At first, I couldn't tell if he was telling the whole truth, not until he started to look away after saying his last sentence. "Is there something else..you want to tell us?" I said, then Nobu looked worried. Instead of saying "it's nothing," he was going to tell us. Iida took out his small notebook.

"Well..um..when I picked my meal from a restaurant, I saw Tomoko walking by. I was going to say hi, but she walked too fast. I was about to head to my car until I saw someone following her. The person was a little bit shorter than me, so I decided to follow them. They stop at the corner of the entrance of the apartment complex. When I confronted them, they didn't say a single word. I felt something hit my head, my vision went black. When I woke up, I saw the same person running. When I came inside her apartment, she was...dead. I was going to call the police but at the same time if I did, you guys might have arrested me for being in her apartment. So, I went back home." Even though his story is a bit weird, I believe him. In Tomoko's diary, it said that someone was stalking her.

"It's okay if you don't-" "I believe you, but can you describe what the person looks like?" I said, interpreting him. He described the person as being 5'7 or 5'7 ½, was wearing all black, and that's all. After talking for a bit, we decided to leave. Based on different evidence and what we discover, look through Uzami Kaze's stuff. "Hey, Iida." "Yes." "I think..I know who did it."

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