[ Detective Tenya Iida x Mystery Novelist Y/n ] Part 5

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[ Y/n's POV ]


"Who is it?" the voice said, cracking the door a little bit. "It's y/n. May I ask you some questions?" The person nodded and let me in. I went inside to see the sitting area near the kitchen. I pulled a chair from the small dining table. "Would you like some tea or coffee?" the person said, putting their hot coffee on the table. "No thank you but thank you for the offer," I said as they were sitting down. "Why are you alone this time since I usually see the man with glasses with you?" "He's not here today because he got a cold so he is staying home," I said, they nodded. "The first question is how long have you known, Uzami Kaze?" I said, taking out Iida's small notebook. "We had known each other since high school," they said, then took a sip of their coffee. I wrote it down.

"When was the last time you spoke with him?" I said, turning to the next page. "The last time I spoke to him was during the party..before he was murder," they said looking down nervously. "Were y'all very close?" I said, turning the next page again. "Yes we were. Ah, I still remember those days when we practiced acting and how our teacher was very patient with us. Those were good..days," they said with a sad tone. I finished writing down the notes. I didn't know they were that close to each other. "Where were you during the time of the murder?" I said then they took a slip of their coffee. "I was drinking at a bar like I usually do when I'm at a party."

"Why are you lying?" I said in a cold tone. The person looked up right at me. "What do you mean?" "Well according to the bartender, he saw you leaving with Kaze to go somewhere before his death. So..why were you and Kase in that room?" I I said looking through the notes that Iida took. "Nothing happened, he just wanted to show me something. That's all," they said, shaking a little bit. "Tell me the truth." "I am telling the truth." "Tell me the truth." "I am!" "No you are not!" I said, hitting my fist on their table. "YES I AM!" Suddenly, I felt something close to my neck, it was a knife but without anyone holding it. "Tell the real truth, Hiroshi Yama." "Not until you sit..back..down," he said then I sat down slowly. "Fine, I might as well tell you..before you die."

"Hiroshi." Uzami Kaze said, making Hiroshi turn to see Kaze. "I have something to talk to you...in private." Hiroshi got up and followed Kaze to a room a little farther away from the party. Kaze closes the door behind them. "So, what do you want to tell me?" Hiroshi said, seeing Kaze's face turning a little sad. "I...I'm breaking up with you." Hiroshi quickly grabbed Kaze's collar and pushed him into the wall. "What!? B-But you promised me that you were going to divorce that..that woman!" Kaze's face remained the same, Hiroshi slowly let go of Kaze's collar, and took a step back. "Just leave.." Hiroshi said, turning his back on Kaze. "I'm sorry," Kaze said slowly, approaching him to confront. "Please just leave me..alone," Hiroshi said, stepping forward. 'If I can't have him then...no else can,' Hiroshi thought. At that moment, the pocket knife on a box started to float then slit Kaze's neck.

"And that's how that ended. If Tomoko hadn't listened to our chat, she would have still been alive." He said as the knife came closer to my neck. Suddenly, the door opened loudly revealing Iida and a few police officers. "Don't move or else we will shoot," Iida said, then Hiroshi put the knife down. The other officers handcuffs him. After that, we headed for my place.

"Are you okay," Iida said with a concerned face. "Of course I'm okay," I said walking to my apartment door. "Well I-" "Wait! I-I have something to tell you," I said, holding on to Iida's hand. "I-I love you, Iida. Can you be...my partner?" Iida's face began to turn a little red. "Yes, I would love th-" before finishing his sentence, I kissed him on his lips, and kissed me back.

( Sorry for not posting in a while. I couldn't figure out how I could end this small series. )

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