bery seggsual tenshun

141 8 3

hi hi, sorry for not postinf for an ungodly amount of time, im a lazy little shit i sorry ;(

anyway i got P5Strikers recently so while i play through that i might update this book a few times

Planning to add the 2(?) new chars, Sophia and Zenkichi I think? Not sure tho, also no spoilers please, thank uuu

ThotSlayer420: hey are we just gonna ignore the sexual tension between yusuke and this shadow

FastAsEffBoi: BRO when did you tAke that?Pancakes: I don't think our phone's camera works in the Metaverse

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FastAsEffBoi: BRO when did you tAke that?
Pancakes: I don't think our phone's camera works in the Metaverse. Also what? Isn't the Metaverse supposed to be destroyed?
ThotSlayer420: uh road trip.
Pancakes: Is that supposed to help me understand?
Lobster: I would also like to know when and how this photo was taken
Hacker_Gorl: we used a normal camera >:)
SpilledTheTea: That >:) was rather scary!
SnaccBoi: Hi guys! Sumire's phone fell out of her pocket and she lost it, so we're sharing for a while until we can find it, just so she can check you guys' messages :)
FistsOfJustice: Dr. Maruki, is that you?
SnaccBoi: Hello there, FistsOfJustice! I don't know who you are, but I'm assuming you're one of Ren's friends?
FistsOfJustice: Yes, this is Makoto Niijima!
SnaccBoi: Oh hello Niijima-san!
Hacker_Gorl: this is nice and all but i have a 700 word essay on how Yusuke would totally screw that shadow
SnaccBoi: Should I... go
Pancakes: Is his sleeve torn as well? How kinky.
ThotSlayer420: lmao shutter fuck up you left bite marks the last time we screwed

Several people are typing...

SnaccBoi: WHAT?
FistsOfJustice: WHAT
Hacker_Gorl: EHWAT
SpilledTheTea: w
Lobster: Excuse me???
Pancakes: Loar
Pancakes: we did not scew
Pancakes: scrnq
Pancakes: svenw
Pancake: scrwe
Pancakes: fuck
Pancakes: we did not fuck
Pancakes: Yuor a diryt lisr
Hacker_Gorl: Translation: Liar. We did not screw. Screw. Screw. Screw. Fuck. We did not fuck. You're a dirty liar.
Pancakes: Yes, thank you. And what is a "shutter fuck up"?
ThotSlayer420: futaba, do your thang
Hacker_Gorl: OHOHO

(A second or two passes. Suddenly, Goro feels as if he's being watched...)

Hacker_Gorl: OH HE BLUSHIN
Pancakes: I am not.
SnaccBoi: how did you know she was referring to you? >:)
SpilledTheTea: >:)
FistsOfJustice: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Lobster: My, how the turntables
ThotSlayer420: >;)

Several people are typing...

Lobster: Have you not figured that out already?
FistsOfJustice: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
SpilledTheTea: i dont thinnwe shoudke be discusing this when thre are chidkren aroudn
SnaccBoi: oh wow look at the time i gotta bye
Pancakes: Ren's not even legal yet, I'd go to jail if i were to hook up with him. He's a liar.
ThotSlayer420: no u
Pancakes: We spent an hour saying "no, you" back and forth yesterday. I'm not falling for this again.
Lobster: Oh no.
Hacker_Gorl: awwww now ren has nobody to tease >:( this is gonna be boring im outta here
ImHot: i have a shoot at like 6 AM tomorrow and its 12 AM rn. i hate you all. well not really but ye
FastAsEffBoi: yeah i kinds tired too i think im gonna hit the haysta
Lobster: Hay...sta?
Hacker_Gorl: he fell asleep while writing it prolbably

(Yusuke closes the group chat, intending to "hit the haysta" like Ryuji had. However, a message from a certain thot slayer prevented him from doing so.)

ThotSlayer420: ok, go on, say it
Lobster: What do you mean?
ThotSlayer420: "Oh, benevolent and generous Ren, I humbly thank thee for saving me from the evil greasy little gremlin known as Futaba Sakura."
Lobster: What
ThotSlayer420: the reason i lied to everyone was to save you from Futaba's 700 word fanfic on how youd fuck the shadow
Lobster: I see. Thank you.

(Yusuke instantly opens up the group chat.)

Lobster: Ren was lying.
Hacker_Gorl: GODDAMMIT
Pancakes: I-fucking-told-you.

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