Rip Sojiro

385 6 5

Hacker_Gorl: Okay but Ren why do u never do what Coffee Dad says
ThotSlayer420: Wdym
Hacker_Gorl: i mean he says dont do anything stupid but you A, become the leader of one of the most wanted criminal groups, B, entice a murderer, C, get murdered, D, shot god in the face

ThotSlayer420: yknow i did more than that

Hacker_Gorl: you wot


Hacker_Gorl: I dont know whether to say "das hot" or "can u dont"

Hacker_Gorl: also the dab was beautiful

(Ok so uh this chapter was kinda an excuse to ask smthn, credit for the vid goes to Jamezietocool btw

But what sounds cooler:

A prison in the form of a tall, grey tower, with Shadow guards around every corner. Security is always tight to make sure the only prisoner never escapes, but said prisoner has never tried to escape.


Prison Breakout but the prisoner doesnt want to escape

A beautiful, Japanese-style castle (not medieval like Kamofuckboy's), where it always rains. The castle is located in the middle of "Tokyo" and everyone wears kimonos and/or yukatas.


Tokyo Aesthetic be on-point

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