Wingwoman Kasumi but Futaba and Maruki Join The Fray

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"Oh... Is he really?" Kasumi started to feel bad for Ren. "Yeah. But he's honest, and I like that."
Joker smiled a small, sad smile. He sighed as he stood. "Well, wanna leave? We're near the limit."

Kasumi thought for a moment. What could she do to help her senpais? They helped her out, so she needed to return the favor!

"Okay, senpai. By the way... Is Futaba-chan available to talk? I really need to speak to her."
Ren looked down at his now bare hand.
"Hm? Oh, uh... Yeah, think so. Why?" Sumi giggled.
"Oh, nothing. I just need to talk to them..."


"So... You're telling me..." Maruki leaned forward, closer to Kasumi and Futaba. "That Ren does love him, but Akechi's too tsundere to love him back?"
"Precisely!" Futaba turned her laptop around to face Maruki. On the screen was a few of Ren and Goro's recent text threads.


RenRen: hey Akechi, what's up?
Akechi: Why?
RenRen: :< you seem distracted. Or angry. Or sad.
Akechi: Well, I'm not. So stop texting me.
RenRen: can we talk? I can't sleep :/
Akechi: You'd better. Morgana will be angry.
RenRen: cmon man, I wanna talk :0
Akechi: What do you want to talk about?
RenRen: nothing in particular. :>
Akechi: Then let me sleep.
RenRen: Can I call u?
Akechi: What about Morgana? He'll hear us.
RenRen: but I'm in Shinjukuuu ;))))

Ren decided to take a selfie of him sitting at the counter in Crossroads. He pretends his water is alcohol, even though he's tried alcohol before and it was absolutely disgusting.

Akechi: Aren't there other people there?
RenRen: nopeee :)
Akechi: Why didn't you bring Morgana?
Akechi: You should go home and get some sleep.
RenRen: nooooo I wanna talk to u
Akechi: Fine.
RenRen: yay :D


"Ooh, late night texts? That's a great start."
Futaba then clicks on an audio recording. Ren's voice is the first to appear.


"Gorooo," Ren whines.
"Ugh. I told you not to call me that, Ren."
"But you call me Ren! Why can't I call you Goro?"
"Everyone calls you Ren."
"Sooo? Please, Goro?"
Goro sighs. "You're insufferable..." Ren laughs.
"Is that a yes, Goro-chan~?"
"Fine. Whatever." Akechi swears he can hear a faint "Yes!" in the background. Pathetic attic trash...
"Sooo, whatcha doing?"
"You woke me up. Are you aware it's 12 AM?"
"Yep. Sooo, whatchu wanna talk about?"
"Nothing. I want to sleep."
"Awwww, Goroooo, don't leave meeeeee..."
"Why shouldn't I? I'm dead tired."
"Please~? Tell me about... I dunno. Yourself?"
Goro sighs. "Why do you want to know about me?"
"Because you're my favorite, Goro-chan~."
"Shut the fuck up with that."
"Awww, but Goro, you're my rival!"
"Yep! Don't tell me you forgot about our wonderful relationship!"
"I didn't forget. I hate you, after all."
"I love you, Goro~! You're so tsundere sometimes!"
"Pfft. Yeah, sure. I hate you. I'd never 'love' you."
"O-Oh... I know. I was just joking, teehee~!"
"Well, you aren't funny, for someone named Joker."
"Ha... Haha... I know. I know."

Ren's tone changed from his regular playful, charming tone to a more monotone, depressed one.

"Well, you sure as fuck don't act like it."
"Haha... I... I know... Good night, Akechi..."
"Hmph. I hope you suffer in your dreams."


"Jeez..." Maruki muttered as he sipped on his juice.
"I know, right!? Tsundere levels over 9000!"
"We need to fix that!" Sumire said as she smirked.
"I've got a plan..."

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