So i have this crazy-ass theory

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what if when Akechi died in the engine room, he escaped? I mean, he couldve used a Goho-M, or that escape hatch lookin-thing he was standing on (if you look at the scene again, he's standing on some sort of hatch, or sewer thingy).

And if he did, what if HE saved Ryuji? Think about it. What if he was hiding near where Ryuji released the boat, and saw Ryuji get blasted? Then, he swam out to save him, and left him on the grass. If Ryuji woke up during the process, Akechi couldve told him to not tell anyone or anything.

And then, what if Maruki erased, or messed with, Goro's memories in the 3rd semester, for more leverage against Ren? He does say he has a gap in his memory that led to him meeting Ren again, but maybe we've just been assuming it's because he "died". Maybe Maruki just erased the memories of his escape.

Then, after beating Maruki, he simply told Morgana not to tell anyone he was alive? And ofc, Mona would agree, because Akechi really helped the PTs in Maruki's Palace. So, after that, he turned himself in to the police. And, maybe, they took him to Shido. After all, he said that they needed to bring Akechi to him when they found him.

Tldr: i dont wanna lose Gowo so i made up a whole theory about how he could have survived

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