Wingwoman Kasumi ♡

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in this chapter, Ren brings Goro and Sumi to Mementos to chill and train against shadows. Takes place after P5R and Mementos still exists because fuck logic ✨


The "Royal Trio" is currently at a waiting room.

"So, Crow-senpai, Joker-senpai, how did you guys become best friends?" Sumi asked innocently.

"Oh, right. We never told her, right?" Ren puts down his coffee cup on the seat next to him.

Goro scoffs. "We aren't friends. And no, we never told her what I did. And what you did, too."
"Hm? What happened?" The gymnast cocks her head to one side. "Wellllll~..." Ren starts.

"Long story short," Goro interrupts, "We hate eachother. We are rivals, definitely not best friends."

Joker pouts. "Awww, c'mon, not even close?"
"No. Not one bit, attic trash."
Kasumi only giggles. "You two are so cute together!"
"ARE NOT!" Goro cries, bringing a hand to pinch his nosebrige. He's so goddamn done with these fools.
"Well, back to the start, I suppose," Ren sighed.

"So basically, Gor--- Crow, and I hung out a lot."
Ren brings a hand up to pull at his bangs.
"Okay, and?"
"Then he shot me, then sacrificed himself for me, came back to life because Maruki said we reminded him of himself and his fiancee, then died again and then now he's here and we don't fuckin' know why,"
Ren said as if it were an everyday trifle.

"..." Kasumi stared at the pair, dumbfounded.

Eventually, she said "Wow!" And laughed.
"It sound like a super dramatic love story!"
"Yes, but it's not," Goro growled. "Definitely not."

Ren smirked. "Yeah, sure you don't love me," he said, standing up. "You don't like me at all. I'm your rival, remember?" Goro stood up, too. "Correct."

"Then why go through so much trouble just to make sure we would have a reason to meet again?"
The black-masked boy scowled. "I didn't."
"Sure about that? If I recall correctly, which I do,"
Ren said as he moved to stand in front of Goro.
"'I'm going to be entirely honest: I hate you.'"
Akechi seemed to freeze up at those words.
Kasumi, however, was too caught up in the dramatic-ness to be confused.
"... What?" Crow said sharply. "Yeah, I said that."

Ren tugged at his right glove, then threw it at Akechi's face. "Notice anything?" When Goro took the glove off his face, he did notice something.

"... This is my glove." It wasn't a red glove, it was black, like his own. "That's right, Crow."
"... You've been wearing it?" Ren nodded.
"Gives me luck. I'm surprised you didn't notice."
The two stared at eachother for a hot second.

Kasumi was still awkwardly sitting there.

"... You're such an idiot!" Goro yells as he paces around the small waiting room.
"I gave that glove to you a month or so before I fucking killed you, Ren. That glove should be a curse. A burden. I'm honestly surprised you didn't throw it in the trash after I was out of sight. You're too sentimental, too trusting, too nice for your own good. You should stop. Actually, you need to stop."

Goro turns around and walks right up to Ren.

"Ren Amamiya, I fucking murdered you."
"And Goro Akechi, you murdered yourself for me."

Ren dares to take a step forward, forcing Goro to take one back. Eventually, Ren holds out a hand to the detective, who only slaps it away as a response.

"... You're an idiot, Joker. I'm leaving."
Akechi stomps off towards the escalators.
Ren sighs, knowing he'll have to talk to him later.
"So, um... Sorry?" Kasumi says. Ren laughs quietly.

"It's fine, he's usually like this..."

(comment if u want part 2 ig, idrk)

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