chat three (sadly)

745 14 21

btw sorry yall, ive been tryna write an actual p5 fanfic but i also recently got into danganronpa so im writing a fic for that but im also getting to the good part of one of my already existing books and my hands hurt from typing holy nutsack ok anyway onto the cocaine

ThotSlayer420: guys ryuji has a boner
ImHot: bitch excuse me what the actual fuck
FastAsEffBoi: dude you just broke bro code why would you do this to me i thought we were bros oh my god why would you ruin my life bro
Hacker_Gorl: thats a lot of bros
Hacker_Gorl: and also tell me more
InariTheIdiot: Boner? What's that?
FistsOfJustice: Guys. Middle of class. Again.
ImHot: boners are boners ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
IJustWantPancakez: Why?

Hacker_Gorl changed IJustWantPancakez's name to Pancake.

Pancake: Why?
RetardInALeotard: This is getting weird. Should I be here?
SpilledTheTea: I'm leaving, this is innappropriate. Feel free to join me in doing so!
RetardInALeotard: Okay. Bye!

SpilledTheTea, FistsOfJustice, and RetardInALeotard have left the group chat.

ThotSlayer420: but they didnt even stay to hear the boner story
Hacker_Gorl: okay spill
ThotSlayer420: wait what
Pancakes: All you had to do was ask.
ThotSlayer420: my meatsack is ready

ThotSlayer420: my meatsack is readyPancakes:

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ThotSlayer420 has left the group chat.

FastAsEffBoi: why did you do that--- his meatsack was ready
InariTheIdiot: Did you just look up pictures of pancakes, then send us one?
Pancakes: ... I don't just have pancake pictures saved on my phone.
Hacker_Gorl: you sure?
Pancakes: Goddammit Futaba.
ImHot: does he does he does he does he?!?!?!
Hacker_Gorl: Akechi...
Pancakes: Mercy please.
Hacker_Gorl: why do you have a reminder for national pancake day on your fuckin calendar?

Pancakes has left the group chat.

Hacker_Gorl: okay boner time
ImHot: awwwwwwh yeah

FastAsEffBoi has left the group chat.

InariTheIdiot: Well, I'm leaving as well. Bye.
Hacker_Gorl: dont leave me fawxy boi

InariTheIdiot has left the group chat.

Hacker_Gorl: noooooooOoOoOoOoOo
ImHot:rip. im out, ren's gettin in trouble again
Hacker_Gorl: kay bai hawt gurl

ImHot has left the group chat.
Hacker_Gorl has left the group chat.

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