Just thinkin (SPOILERS)

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So, i havent seen the Yaldabaoth battle/ Satanael awakening in P5R (if there even is one) but im replaying P5 and im at the Akechi battle.

He says that "Even the feeblest existence can gain tremendous power once the chains on its heart are broken."

Personas are the power of the heart, right?
So we could say Arsene is Joker's rebellious heart.

And what does Joker do to Arsene when he awakens to Satanael?
Remove his chains.
Did Joker basically make himself turn psychotic when he awakened to Satanael??
I mean he did gain tremendous power when he did...
So uh
Suck it Akechi
Joker can do it too (maybe i mean idk)

Apparently in P5R the PTs can have a third awakening, so idk what happens tho. I dont got Royal.

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