Mementos Dialogue Straight From Hell

493 17 22

just some shit i think goes down behind the scenes in mementos

Skull: Hey Jokey, what's that sound coming from your pocket?

Joker: Two things: 1, Never call me Jokey again. And 2, it's gum.

Skull: Oh cool. Can I have some?

Joker: No. It's for Crow.

Skull: Seriously? That whole packet!?

Joker: He's gonna bite me if I don't give him something to chew on.

Crow, standing menacingly over Joker's seat in the Monamobile, breathing heavily down Joker's neck: ...

Joker, waving the packet of gum in Crow's face: Eat up, bird boy.


Akechi, getting in the Mona-bus: Please let this be a normal field trip.

Futaba: With these bitches? No way!

Ren: Cruisin' down Chemdah, you're relaxed and feelin' good, next thing that you're seein'---



Queen: Okay everyone. Let's discuss the situation.

Crow: We're low on supplies.

Noir: We're all really tired...

Skull: I gotta take a shit.

Mona: Shut up Skull.

Panther: ... Are those chains I'm hearing?

Queen: And we still haven't found the next platform. What do we do, Joker?

Joker: lay down and fucking die

Crow: You had me at "Lay down and fuck."


Crow: It's so cramped in here.

Joker: Sit on my lap, it's comfier~!

Akeshu shippers (aka the rest of the PTs): *wink wonk here comes the donk*


Crow: Wait a minute.

Queen: What's up?

Crow: Do we get hungry on our own in the Metaverse? You know, without Shadows afflicting it onto us.

Mona: I don't think so, but we'd still need to eat. It's probably best to save our food in case we need to stay in the Metaverse for a long time.

Joker, Skull, Panther, and Oracle in the back eating all of the snacks: ... Oops.


Joker: Hey Pancake, your hair's really floofy.

Crow: Um... 'Pancake'? And... Yeah, I guess it's fluffy.

Joker: NOT FLUFFY. Floofy. There's a difference.


Mona: You know... Joker acts pretty psycho in the Metaverse.

Joker: I mean if you can't kill people in real life, beat up a fuckton of Shadows and call it a day.

Also Joker: You hear me, Crow? Beat up their shadows. Not kill them.

Crow: Shut up. Please...

Queen: Joker! Apologize to your boyfriend or I'll turn this car around, young man!

Noir: Personally, I like the way Joker acts in the Metaverse!


Joker: Heyyyyy, Crow-channnnnnnn~!

Crow: No.

Joker: Aw come on! I'll make you pancakes~!
*heart eye emoji*

Crow: ... Did you seriously just say "asterisk heart eye emoji asterisk?"

Joker: ... No..?


Skull: Hey Joker. You're pretty talkative sometimes, but other days you just shut up and kick ass in silence.

Joker: ... Yeah.

Crow: Uh oh. It's one of those days.

Skull: Hey Joker. Wanna talk?

Joker: ...

Crow: ...

Skull ...?

Joker: ... Zzz...

Crow: He's asleep, goddammit.

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