Wingpeople because its not just Sumi anymore and Futaba's life gets ruined

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(so pretend that Ren magically appeared in Tokyo again,,,, you heard nothing)

"Okay!" Kasumi said, clasping her hands together.
"First things first: Get those gays alone together!"
"But how are we going to do that?" Maruki asked. Futaba, being the gremlin she is, snickered. "Hehe! I've got that covered! My fujoshi cannon is ready!"
"... I hope it's not just a bunch of yaoi," Sumi said.
"Sometimes I forget why I'm even here. With two children. Helping them get their gay ship together."

"Because it's fun~!" Futaba sang. "Is this a game to you!?" Kasumi yelled jokingly. "Kehehe, maybeee!"
"Oh, this is hopeless..."

A few minutes pass, the only sound being Maruki sipping on a juice box that's been empty for a while and the sound of Futaba's furious typing. Eventually, Futaba raises her hands into the air, exclaiming: "I'M DONEEEEEEEEEEE!" The screech hurts Maruki's ears, but it seems Kasumi is used to it. Poor girl.

"What did you---" Kasumi is cut off by Futaba's yelp.
"Wh-Wha? Where are we going?" Maruki asks, getting out of the booth. "They're coming! Follow!"
"She didn't even say 'follow me,' just 'follow'..."
"Oh, I think she left her computer, too..."
The three scrambled out of Leblanc and ran into Sojiro's house. Maruki hoped Sakura-san wouldn't get the wrong idea, finding a grown man alone with two young girls.

They ran up to Futaba's room, and Futaba ran to her computer. "Watch, watch!" She squealed. On her computer screen, it showed Leblanc. The point of view of the camera was on a table, Maruki guessed it was her laptop's camera. Smart girl.

"Futaba, what did you do?" Kasumi questioned.
"I hacked into Akechi's phone and sent Ren a text using his number, then I hacked into Ren's phone and sent Akechi a text using his number! Akechi's phone was pretty hard to hack. His password is a mile long," Futaba replied. "O-Oh. That's... nice."

After a few seconds of waiting, Ren popped up on the screen. He went behind the counter and made two cups of coffee, one for him and one for Goro.
He sat down and drank his cup, before noticing Futaba's laptop on a table. He stood up to shut it.

"NONONONONONONO---" Futaba screeched. Fortunately, Akechi walked into Leblanc just before Ren touched the computer. Kasumi let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Phew..."

"Hello, Ren. Why'd you ask me to come here?"
"Hm? Whatcha mean? You asked me to come here."
"... No, I didn't. You asked me to come here."
"No, I didn't..?" Ren and Goro looked around.
"Something's up," they said in unison.

The two started checking around Leblanc. Eventually they started to check Futaba's laptop.
"A-As long as they don't close it, it should be fine..."

Ren shut the laptop. "I wonder why she left it here."

"FUUUUUUUUUUU---" Futaba screeched. Again.

"Hm. Ah well. It doesn't really matter, does it?"
"Eh. Guess so. Hey, wanna get outta here?"
"Why? I didn't have my coffee yet."
"Bring it with you, Futaba wiretapped this place."
"... She did what?"
"Yeah, she can probably hear us. Let's go?"
"... Yes. We should probably go."

"Nooohohohoho..." Futaba slumped down in her chair. "My whole life as Hacker_Gorl is overrr..."
"Moving on," Kasumi said, completely ignoring her. "My plan!"

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