Boner Story + IM SO SORRY

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FastAsEffBoi: Okay fine its time for the boner story
ThotSlayer420: haha yes i have done it
FistsOfJustice: Ren, what did you do?
ThotSlayer420: Mishima.
ImHot: you did mishima?
Pancakes: Most likely.
FastAsEffBoi: he told me Futaba would show Mishima my search history and he said he'll leak it
InariTheIdiot: What's wrong with your search history?
Hacker_Gorl: Lolis.
InariTheIdiot: Lolis? What are those?
ImHot: well, his chat name is true
ThotSlayer420: OK RYUJI COME ON
FastAsEffBoi: aw shit fine
FastAsEffBoi: ok so,,, i was sleeping in class
FistsOfJustice: Well, better than skipping class.
ImHot: ok, go on
FastAsEffBoi: fine
FastAsEffBoi: and then i woke up, and when i looked  forward
Hacker_Gorl: andddddd?
FastAsEffBoi: i saw someone's ass, they were hella thicc and so uh
ThotSlayer420: b o n e r t i m e
Hacker_Gorl: boring. tell the whole story!!!
FastAsEffBoi: fineeee...
ImHot: spill the tea
SpilledTheTea: Please don't. I don't want to clean it up.
FastAsEffBoi: haha ok whatever you say Haruuuu
Pancakes: Ryuji. Search history. Remember?
FastAsEffBoi: oh eff you
Pancakes: No thank you.
ThotSlayer420: awww
FastAsEffBoi: ok anyway, the thicc ass i was lookin at...
FastAsEffBoi: belonged to this guy.

Hacker_Gorl: fuck this im out im closing the chat

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Hacker_Gorl: fuck this im out im closing the chat

Chat room closed.

Futaba turned off her phone and gazed out the window. "Well, that was fun," she mumbled. "Ryuji's so gay. Oooh, wonder if Akechi would be willing to share his beloved Renren with Ryuji!"

Hello people, im sorry
I know updates are slower that a snail with sukunda afflicted on it
But theres reasons

Ok, so first of all, i know Kasumi is ooc.
That's because I don't have Royal and havent been able to look into her
All i know is that she calls people senpai and that shes a gymnast

But I think i spoiled the end of Royal and Kasumi's whole backstory

Ok anyway
Im gonna make an Akeshu fanfic but idk what it should be about

I have 4 main ideas:
One is an AU where the game proceeds as normal, but either Akechi escapes Shido's palace on his own (so the Thieves dont know hes alive) or Akira saves him (the Thieves know hes alive)

One is sort of an epilogue, following the end of P5/P5R, where Akira returns home and eventually runs away (i feel like this would be fun to write)

Another one is basically just P5R but more akeshu

And the last one is an AU/epilogue where all of Akira's friends have Palaces, this would take place after the P5R ending (the one with the Akechi scene)
Akira would eventually meet up with Akechi in secret and raid palaces in order to save their friends

Also, should it be Joker as a girl or a guy?
I mean we dont see Joker with tits often
And deep down we know Joker is best girl
I feel like writing Joker as a girl would be fun but idk

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