Everything is Understood

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I awoke in the Recovery Girl's office. I hear bells ringing when I open my eyes. I remember the Darkness becoming restless. It is stronger than me when I am that much in pain. I look over at the window and see it is still bright outside, I turn my head to the other side and see some people. I saw Kaminari, Izuku, Ochako, Shoto, Yaourozu, Mina, and Bakugou... Bakugou was in the corner.

"You're awake," Kaminari said, he was all excited.

"With a headache too," I say annoyed.

"When Deku came to check on you," Shoto started, "He said he found you unconscious."

"Thank you..." I say but think about what he called Izuku, "Deku?"

"That's what I've been calling him since grade school," Bakugou said.

Shoto and Yaourozu had to leave so there went the only two people I knew the most. I had a few questions coming my way and I gave honest answers. After a while we all heard a voice come from the hall.

"All of you, get home," Aizawa said at the doorway, They panicked and left... except Bakugou. Aizawa didn't care that he was there.

"Hey Aizawa," I say, I wasn't intimidated by him.

"Explain your quirk to me exactly," He said with no emotion.

"Well..." I start, "My quirk only works in the night, it has a mind of its own and talks to me, it is manipulative, and it controls my powers whenever it wants when I am using it. My dad told me about a time when he was trying to get answers out of this guy and the Darkness killed him."

Mr. Aizawa started scratching his chin, "Interesting, I will have to keep a close eye on you."

"Thank you sensei," I say... did I really just say that.

"I will help you get control of this demon during training." He said as he started to walk out of the room.

"Bakugou," I say, he looked at me, "At the sports festival... if we do fight, you will pick up the victory with relative ease if there is no darkness."

"Whatever you say darkling," He says, walking out of the room shortly after.


"Shut up you asshole," I say.


"But you can't leave me until I have children." I yell, it went quiet after that.

"(Y-Y/N)?" I hear my name coming from the hallway, I look over to see who it was and it was... Mina Ashido, "Who are you talking to?"

"The Darkness," I say, she looks at me like I'm crazy, "I was talking to the Darkness."

"I forgot your quirk has a literal mind of its own," She says with an embarrassed laugh.

I get up from the bed and grab my stuff, "I thought you would've left by now Ashido."

"Why?" She asked.

"Because Aizawa told everyone to leave," I say.

"Are you sure you don't need anyone to talk to?" She asks, she had an adorable smile... did I really just say that?

"Fine but don't expect me to say much," I say, I put my hand on my head.

She started a few conversations with me and it was rather pleasant. After an hour, I finally stood up. I am still in my nice attire, I'm surprised I'm not in a gown or anything... should I be surprised? I don't know. Once I looked up from my outfit, Ashido gave me a hug... It caught me off guard.

"Can you explain?" I ask her in confusion.

"Don't get yourself hurt too bad again please," She says, I hear her panic right after and let go, "W-we were worried about you..."

"Well thank you but I wasn't injured," I start, "Just had to deal with the Darkness."

She releases herself from me and we walk out the doors. I look at the time and see it's damn near 5 o'clock. Ashido and I go through the front doors and see my limo. Before we go our separate directions I say something.

"Hey Ashido," I start, "Do you want a ride?"

"Uhm... Sure..." She says, she climbs in before me, "Wow, this is what inside a Limo looks like."

"Yeah." I go on the other side of the seats.

"How did your family afford this stuff," She looks in awe of the Limo still.

"Personal information."

She gave directions to the driver and took her home. We said our goodbyes then I was taken home. God she is beautiful... I hate it when my dad is right about finding relationships, especially in high school. I sat in the vehicle in silence, thinking a lot about the adorable pink girl. I can't believe I thought she would be just another bitchy girl like the ones I met in middle school. I thought she was a 'pink skinned looking bitch' but looking back... I judged too soon. I am now in love with her. I have also only known her for 2 days... shit.

I got home after about 10 minutes, and as soon as I entered the door my dad shot me a glare. I was sent in panic once I saw him.

"Where the HELL were you?" He asks.

"I was talking to a friend after I went to Recovery Girl's office." I say, he let out a small giggle.

"Don't worry me like that again," He said, "Next time, text me where you after school like that long."

"Anyway," I start, "I'm going to my room."

"Alright." He said.

Mina Ashido X Male Darkness Reader [Brightest Part of the Darkness]Where stories live. Discover now