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Aizawa was in his own rage. He was angry at the school, the security system, and most importantly himself. His former student, his assistant, a child in his protection has died. He broke stuff in the room he was in and that room was his classroom. He broke stuff on his desk, he threw stuff that shattered. After an hour of breaking everything other than his students desks, he sat down in his chair. He had his hands on his head as he sat there in sadness. He sat there for a few minutes until there was a knock on the door. He heard the door open but he didn't move. He heard footsteps get closer to him until they stopped. He felt a hand rest on his shoulder. He turned his head to see who it was Fukukado, aka, Ms Joke. She knelt over and hugged the angry man.

In the doorway of Aizawa's classroom was Principal Nezu, he smiled before walking away. He was upset that someone so young was murdered by such evil beings but he can't show it. His trauma will be combined with it. He called Fukukado before telling Aizawa just so he won't be alone at such a devastating time. He knows their history, though not a relationship, they are there for each other in each other's time of need.


Mina was locked in her room with her friends knocking on her door to comfort the poor girl. She was sitting on her floor looking at the special gun Y/N had always carried. She held the gun as dangerous thoughts raged through her head, vengeful thoughts. She still had his jacket on from earlier that day. She cocked the M1911, and aimed it. She stared down the barrel for a while. She released the clip and found it was unloaded, probably by the pros. She was quietly crying to herself in her room. She loved Y/N but she can't associate herself with him after all he has done. She regretted her decision, maybe they could both be alive if she did things differently. She had revenge on her mind. She WANTED to hunt them, and that was her plan. She started crying less as these thoughts went rapidly through her mind.

She put the gun in her bag before stepping out. She was greeted by her friends when she opened her door.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" Kirishima asked her, she shook her head.

"I'm going out, I'll be back later tonight," She said with a raspy, monotone voice.

He as well as Jiro watched as she proceeded to go to the floor level. She had a look of death to her, she had looked like she had been crying for a long time. She kept Jack's jacket on her, it was now till the end of time for her. She'll never want to take it off. It was the last thing the man she loved gave her. She has her mind set on revenge. There is no backing out anymore.


Mina arrived at Jack's house, she was standing in the front area for a small bit. She was hesitant. She knocked on the door, and waited for someone to answer.

"Yeah, I'm coming," She heard a voice say.

The door opened and she saw Zeke, "Oh hey, haven't seen you in a while."

"I'm here for someone I can rely on," She said, " Y/N was murdered."

"Yeah, his people came and told us, it's quite sad isn't it?" He said with his head down.

"Is Cole here?" Mina asked, Zeke looked back inside.

"Hey Cole," He called out, he walked back in and Mina followed, "Company."

"I don't need anyone to talk to right now Zeke," Cole sounded very angry..

"It's important," Mina yelled in the house.

There was the sound of a door creek, "Ashido, what are you doing here?"

"I need your help, Y/N was murdered and I want to know who to go after," Mina said with no hesitation.

"Didn't they say he was killed in the arctic? I'm not going up there," He said leaning against the wall.

"You can track people with your powers right? You used it to solve that murder?" She questioned.

"That was a dead body in the city, you'll need something for my powers to go off of."

She tossed him a pin that was on one of the soldiers she killed," What about that?"

"Well, I can do it if I find where they could've gone in the city," He said, examining the pin.

"Just do it, I need this," Mina said, Cole looked at her for a moment.

"Fine, but you can't always expect me to track things like a dog," Cole said, he made his way to the door, "I'll be back, I'll have someone contact you if I find anything."

"Thank you," Mina said, Cole nodded before exiting.

Mina looked up the stairs next to her now, she had a sickening idea. She made her way up the stairs with Zeke warning her not to. He eventually stopped and went back to his TV. She opened the door and saw the twisted, psychotic, evil Toga sitting on the bed, hugging herself in Jack's blankets. She stepped a few feet staring at the girl. Toga turned and looked at her with a smile.

"Now what could you want~?" She asked, in her usual tone.

"I want your help," Mina said.

"Now what could you want my help for," She had a big smile on her face.

"We are hunting Jack's killers, no holding back," Mina said.

"That sounds fun, just think of all the people we are gonna kill, little hero that couldn't," Toga laughed.

"Cole is finding out where some of them could be hiding in the city," Mina started, her voice was cold, "As soon as he tells us, we can go after them."

"Why are you asking me for help~?" She asked, again creepily.

"You don't hold back right? You will kill them and I can probably trust you to help in this, and ONLY this," Mina stated, "My friends would judge me, your villain group would more likely attack me then help. Plus you were also close with him."

"That's true, I'll do it~" She started twirling her knife.

Mina Ashido X Male Darkness Reader [Brightest Part of the Darkness]Where stories live. Discover now