It's Time

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I had my food in hand and walked near Midoriya, Ochako, and Tenya, Tenya started to speak once you were close enough.

"Wanting a job and being suited to it are quite different things. Observing the Iida Family's Hero Agency has taught me that much." He said, before anyone else could speak, I did.

"Are you sure Tenya? I mean, come on, you must know more than that." I say, I caught them all off guard.

"Ah, Y/N, you surprised me. Yes they did but that is one of the more important lessons that they taught me." He says.

"Hold on, what does your family even do?" Midoriya asked. I started to walk past them and wasn't able to hear them anymore. I eventually see Bakugou's group and if I'm going to be honest, I was surprised to see Denki, Kyoka, Eijiro, Sero, and Mina in his group. My favorite part of it all is that Bakugou looks like he doesn't want anyone around him. I start to walk past them when I hear my name.

"Hey Estacado," Kirishima calls out, I turn around to look at him, "Care to sit with us?" I shrug my shoulders and go and sit with them. I sit next to Denki, he was sitting next to Kyoka , who was sitting next to Sero. Eijiro was sitting in between Mina and Katsuki.

"Thanks you letting me sit with you guys, I guess." I say.

"Anyways, as I was say-" Denki started but was cut off by a bell ringing.

"WARNING! LEVEL 3 SECURITY BREACH!" The announcement said, "All students please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion."

Before I could process what's happening, everyone was running for the hall. I was still sitting in my seat when everyone was screaming. I looked outside the window and saw a bunch of the press run in the school grounds. I realized that most of the students were still screaming and running for the "exit". Honestly, it only took Tenya to make everyone realize everything was okay. I know it was him because his voice carries for a while if he wants it to. I finished my food about when people returned to their food and afterwards. 

Turns out i spaced out when Izuku gave up his position as class rep to Tenya, it's not hard to know why but yeah. I only pay attention when I want to or when the Darkness speaks to me. Aizawa spoke so I snapped back to reality but it was only to say one thing.

"This is a waste of time. I don't care who the rep is, just hurry up," He said, he was also in the sleeping bag. Iida stood up and spoke blah blah blah, I honestly forget where I am whenever he speaks.

The next time I refocused on the class is when Aizawa was speaking to all of us, "Today's training will be a little different. You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

'Hehe, I'm guessing they figured out that none of the press could break-in like that. I have to keep an eye for any asshole that wants to cause trouble.' I thought to myself.

"Sir, what kind of training is this?" Sero asks.

Aizawa pulls up a card, "Rescue, you'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that."

I hear the excitement coming off of all the students all at once. And once again, they start talking to each other about whats coming.

"Disasters, huh?" Kaminari spoke, "Sounds like we're in for a big workout."

"Totally," Mina said.

"I wouldn't too excited about it," I say.

"Whatever Y/N," Kirishima said, "We'll be doing real hero stuff. What separates the man from the boys. I'm shakin' with excitement."

This went on and on for a few more seconds before Mr. Aizawa speaks up, "Guys, I'm not finished yet. What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you excited about costumes." He pushed a button and they started to appear from the walls, "...But keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet, and they might limit your abilities. This special training's at an off-campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all. Start getting ready."

I see everyone get up and grab their costumes, all except for me and Deku. I don't need to grab a hero suit because mine is the Darkness armor, but when I don't have that, I show style with these nice cloths. I go downstairs to where the bus will be when everyone's ready, I am there first because I'm already wearing the "hero" outfit.

After a few minutes, a few people start to join me outside. the first few was Jirou and Kaminari. Kaminari see's me and runs up to talk to me.

"Why are you still in that suit?" He asks me.

"Because this isn't the real hero outfit, this outfit is for when darkness  isn't around me." I reply.

"Oh right, I saw it when you fought Bakugou and the quirk test," Jirou says.

More and more students join, I see a lot of unique designs in the costumes. Out of everyone's, I think Momo's costume could be the most useful to her quirk... but I do know a shithead pervert in our class. All was normal until Tenya blew a whistle.

"Gather around, Class 1-A! Using your student numbers, for 2 neat lines..." You have to be shitting me "So we can load the bus efficiently." He says.

We all take our seats on the bus and I could NOT be laughing any louder when I got on because Tenya thought it would be a normal bus but... it wasn't. I sit next Deku, he is sitting next to Asui, she is sitting next to Kirishima. Across Kirishima is Kaminari, he is sitting next to Aoyama, he is sitting next to Mina, she is sitting next to Iida. When we were on the bus, I found out Mina's costume and I did the respectable thing and look away because... I didn't want to seem like a pervert.

I hear Asui start talking, "Since we're stating the obvious, I want to say something..." She looks at Deku, "About you actually."

"About me? What is it, Asui?" He asks her.

"I told you to call me 'Tsu'." She tells him.

"Oh right." He responded with the 'I messed up voice'.

"That power of yours. isn't it a lot like All Might's?" She asks him.

I hear instant panic in his voice, "What? Really? You think so, huh? I never really thought about that..." He started going on and on.

Kirishima leaned over to Tsu, "You're forgetting All Might doesn't hurt himself. That makes a huge difference." Deku let out a sigh facing me, "Still I think its cool to have a simple augmenting-type a' quirk. You could do lots of flashy stuff with it... My hardening is super strong and cut bad guys in a fight but it doesn't look all that impressive." I turn my head to look in their direction.

"Oh, no way, I think it's really awesome looking. You're definitely pro material with a quirk like that." Deku explains.

"You really think so? Seems like it'd be easier to be a popular hero if I had somethin' flashier." Kirishima says.

"I wouldn't think so, with my quirk, it lets my figure more mysterious and that helps with popularity, people constantly trying to figure you out." I say.

"You're right, sometimes the cool part is the mystery to things," Mina agree's, 'don't look, don't look, don't look.'

"Well, if any of our classmates have pro Quirks, It's Y/N, Todoroki, and Bakugo." Kirshima explains, I see Bakugo make a grunt noise and turn his head away.

"Sure, but Bakugo's always angry, so he'll never be that popular." Tsu says, I hear Deku tense up. 

Bakugo stood up and started yelling, "WHAT'D YOU SAY? I'LL KICK YOUR-"

"STAND DOWN!" I yell, glaring at him, he rolls his eyes and sits back down. I noticed Tsu not even look at him.

"You see," she said.

"Yeah but don't test him, if learns to control it, he could easily do anything, but until that happens, only 3 of us are on top, not one." I say sitting back, I hope we're almost there. Soon I realized, I didnt want to be there.

Mina Ashido X Male Darkness Reader [Brightest Part of the Darkness]Where stories live. Discover now